Hop, Source Code, Insidious, Rubber, In a Better World
An 8-minute preview of the DreamWorks remake
Talking with Jack Black and the directors of the animated comedies
Haunted house horrors from Saw's Wan and Whannell
Director of the Oscar-winning Danish film
FilmDistrict to release the movie
Including a cameo appearance by a certain Avenger!
Haunted house horrors from Wan and Whannell
J.J. Abrams seems to think so
There's a killer tire on the loose!
ShoWest gets a new name and the first photos
Three-time Oscar nominee to play the iconic comic character
"It All Ends Here" (No, really this time!)
Opening Friday, April 1
Opening Friday, April 1
Opening Friday, March 25 - Review 2
And a few tidbits from J.J. Abrams himself!
Starring with Paul Giamatti in Thomas McCarthy's latest dramedy
Bringing his unique action-packed fantasy tale to the screen
Legendary Hollywood movie star passes away at 79