Noted artist to tackle new Bram Stoker bust project. Celebrated master sculptor Bryan Moore made a splash a few years…
SHOCK looks at the graphic novel companion to Michael Dougherty’s upcoming chiller KRAMPUS. With Thanksgiving over and Christmas on its…
SHOCK chows down on exclusive pics from indie horror/comedy DICK JOHNSON & TOMMY GUN Vs. THE CANNIBAL COP. Buffalo based…
SHOCK grabs another classic clip of critics Siskel & Ebert reviewing horror films. As part of our ongoing series digging…
Visionary director Ridley Scott reveals plans for two more PROMETHEUS/ALIEN: COVENANT sequels. We already now know that the follow-up to…
SHOCK looks at the Blu-ray release of 1973 Polish surrealist film THE HOURGLASS SANATORIUM. Cannes Special Jury Award Winner THE…
To time with Anchor Bay’s new Blu-ray release, SHOCK reports on the BLACK CHRISTMAS reunion in Hamilton, Canada. We all…
In this ongoing SHOCK column, editor Chris Alexander muses on classic and contemporary films and music worthy of a deeper…
Prop from famous Ed Wood/Bela Lugosi flick sells for a cool 10K. The legacy of Ed Wood continues to affect…
SHOCK goes wild and reveals ten horror legends and their ventures into mainstream television. Its a sad fact…
Swedish blogger, film archivist and fan goes back to the vaults and sculpts a massive new “definitive” version of Clive…
SHOCK goes looking for the weirdest stuff on the internet and finds INTESTED. If it’s weird ye be seeking, look…
SHOCK dishes out the turkey in time for Thanksgiving with a salute trash classic BLOOD FREAK. It’s Thanksgiving! A wonderful…
Hey, kid! Wanna buy a zombie movie? SHOCK stumbled upon this interesting Ebay auction in which the producers of the…
SHOCK sticks up for the unloved British/Greek horror film LAND OF THE MINOTAUR. Sometimes I feel that there are certain…
Win tickets to see Larry Kent’s SHE WHO MUST BURN at the Blood in the Snow Film Festival. In what…
SHOCK gives you an eyeful of the new Ozploitation film SCARE CAMPAIGN. “Ozploitation” is alive and well and spurting red…
SHOCK reviews Sean Donohue’s unapolegtically offensive DEATH-SCORT SERVICE. This will be a relatively short review
Short because a film like…
SHOCK strips down and looks at the kinkier side of Frankenstein on film. Last week, to celebrate the impending…
Win a copy of the world’s best/worst horror joke book, BRIDE OF HA-HA HORROR! Artist and writer Monstermatt Patterson is…