Go! Go! Loser Ranger! episode 1 aired on Sunday, April 7, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. JST. The episode, titled “We Are Justice! The Dragon Keepers!” introduced the dragon keepers who defended humanity from monster attacks.
The episode starts with the citizens rushing to the arena for the weekly battle between the Dragon Keepers and the nefarious monster army. This event continued for 13 years after the war with the monsters and became a necessary event for the city.

Meanwhile, in his human form, Fighter D runs into Suzukiri and Sakurama, two ranger force members on his way to the arena. They try to convince him to join the Dragon Keepers, but he tactfully dodges the question.
The events start when the foot soldiers, known as Dusters, enter the arena with the Boss Monsters, the Ul-Tora Tiger. They confront the Dragon Keepers, who receive cheers from the audience. The Dusters charge at the attending audience but are stopped by Sakurama and Suzukiri, who help them retreat.

The Dragon Keepers struggle to do any damage as the monster’s attacks are too strong. The Green Keeper drops a boulder on him, but he gets up quickly, and the panicked crowd urges them to use their divine artifacts. The Dragon Keepers eventually unleashed their divine artifact, the Dragon Blaster, to destroy the monster and the Dusters.
Go Go Loser Ranger episode 1 spoilers: The staged reenactment
A few hours before the event, a group of Dusters gather to prepare for the Sunday showdown. They panic over the type of monster they should create that would strike fear into the citizens. The episode goes on to explain how the Dusters were alive after their bosses had been destroyed. As such, the Dusters are forced to fake the reenactment battle every week.

After a few suggestions, Fighter D suggests they make a tiger, as they have never done that before. D goes on to try to rally them to try to defeat the Dragon Keepers, but his idea is ridiculed. He talks with Fighter F, who says he wants to do his best for the fans watching, not for the Dragon Keepers.
The scene shifts back to the present after the rangers use their Dragon Blaster on the Dusters and their boss. However, Fighter D refuses to go quietly. He charges at the Dragon Keepers, who are confused as this wasn’t part of the plan. The Red Keeper rushes to engage with him and laughs at his bravery before cutting him with his sword.

D chooses to reassemble away from the arena, infuriated at the outcome of the whole event. He meets Suzukiri, who asks him how the event was. D tells her he was amazed by their strength. He further says that he will be joining the Ranger Force and taking the recruitment exam. The episode ends with Fighter D promising to defeat all his enemies.