Given there are so many Dragon Ball movies out there — which range from “impossible to be canon” to “completely canon” — it’s fair to wonder if Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero takes place in the same continuity as the Dragon Ball Super anime and manga. So let’s answer that question.
Is Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Canon to the Anime/Manga?
In short, yes, Super Hero is canon, just as Dragon Ball Super: Broly was before it. The newest movie is currently canon to both the Dragon Ball Super anime and manga.
The current arc of the Dragon Ball Super manga — titled the Super Hero Saga — has been covering the events preceding the film from the perspective of Goten and Trunks, though it seems the manga might move into adapting the film. The most recent chapter — Chapter 90 — ends with Dr. Hedo going to prison for three months, which would lead right into the start of the movie.

When Does Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Take Place?
Like with the rest of Dragon Ball Super, Super Hero takes place after the Majin Buu Saga but before the Peaceful World/End of Z Saga from the end of the original Dragon Ball series. That means that Goku and friends have defeated Kid Buu, but have not met up at the tournament where Goku first meets Uub and flies off with him to train him.
To get very technical, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero takes place in Age 783, while the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament from the end of Dragon Ball takes place on May 7 of Age 784.