Meat hook!
“…and if he saw meat, he deftly sent his hook down for his favorite meal.”
U.S. and Canadian horror fans have have seen their fair share of cinematic Christmas-themed evils come and go. Now an Icelandic short horror film (it’s only 10 minutes!) is threatening to creep up and give us new reasons to fear that jolly ol’ bastard who brings kids toys every year.
The short is called Unholy Night, directed by Ãrni Ãór Jónsson, and a trailer is now online (here). “Night” concerns a group of teens in rehab who realize the legendary Yule Men of Icelandic lore are real.
Why isn’t this a feature?! Click on the title above for a truly kick-ass poster oozing with ’80s nostalgia.
Source: Zik Zak