A few weeks ago, Warner Bros. had tried to put a stop to the release of the Bollywood comedy Hari Puttar: A Comedy of Terrors about a 10-year-old Indian boy who moves to England, because of the title’s similarity to their own blockbuster franchise, but BBC News has announced today that the court in Delhi has rejected the lawsuit, so the film will be released in India on Friday after being delayed for two weeks. The court decided that Warner Bros. should have brought up the case three years ago, and that moviegoers shouldn’t have a problem differentiating “Hari Puttar” from “Harry Potter” (especially now that the latter movie has been delayed until next year, right?):
“The case has been dismissed. The court said that Warner Bros had known the title of the film since 2005 and had delayed bringing the case to court until the last moment,” lawyer Pratibha Singh was quoted by news agency AFP as saying. The Delhi High Court also said that consumers who read the Harry Potter books, written by JK Rowling, were sufficiently educated to know that Hari Puttar was different, the agency quoted the lawyer as saying.