Fallout TV Show Do Super Mutants Appear

Fallout TV Show: Do Super Mutants Appear?

Super mutants are a staple of the Fallout series, so fans expect to see them in the TV show. These hulking creatures are among the strongest enemies players can meet in most of the games and are even more threatening because they’re sentient. We’ll take a look at whether super mutants play a part in the Fallout TV series below.

Are super mutants in the Fallout TV Show?

There are no super mutants in the first season of the Fallout TV show. Surprisingly, we don’t see or hear about these iconic creatures at all. It takes place in areas where super mutants were previously known to be present, but they’re relatively rare. Additionally, by the point the in the timeline the series takes place, many of the intelligent super mutants have likely died off (or have gone completely psychotic), leaving only the feral variants behind. 

The absence of super mutants in the show may surprise fans, as they are such an integral part of the Fallout universe. However, the showrunners have stated that they held back some material so fans would have surprises to look forward to in season two. In future episodes, we may see them appear as an enemy or an ally.

It’s also possible that a super mutant from the series’ past may make an appearance. We know from Marcus’s appearances in Fallout 2 and New Vegas that they’re long-lived. Maybe we’ll see Fawkes, Marcus, or one of the other intelligent super mutants make a return. Lucy will likely need powerful allies if she hopes to face her father and whatever awaits in New Vegas, a role that a super mutant would do a great job fulfilling.

So, for now, we don’t have any clues as to whether super mutants will appear in the second season of the Fallout TV show, but we wouldn’t be surprised if they do.

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