Watchmen Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Watchmen Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

In the previous episode of HBO’s Watchmen, Angela took Will’s nostalgia and learned that he was Hooded Justice. In Watchmen Season 1 Episode 7, Angela received treatment at Lady Trieu’s and relived her own memories, while Laurie Blake closed in on the true purpose of the Seventh Kavalry.

Sister Night

Angela’s treatment involved being hooked up to a live being. Lady Trieu let her believe it was Will, but it turned out to be an elephant. As the treatment flushed out Will’s memories, Angela experienced memories that revealed her childhood in Saigon. During a Dr. Manhattan festival, a suicide bomber killed her parents. That day, she had wanted to watch a video called Sister Night, the obvious inspiration for Angela’s police persona. Angela’s father didn’t like her watching a video about a vigilante in a mask. Later, Angela identified the man who gave the bomber a backpack, and they shot him.

At the orphanage, Angela’s grandmother, June, came to get bring her back to Tulsa. As they were leaving, June collapsed and died.

Trap Door

Watchmen Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Det. Petey called Laurie when he discovered dead Seventh Kavalry members at Wade’s place. Laurie said she would come by after seeing Mrs. Crawford. She had recordings of Angela under nostalgia, and Laurie had learned about Will and Cyclops. Laurie confronted Mrs. Crawford about Cyclops and the Seventh Kavalry. She believed that Cyclops was Seventh Kavalry, and they aimed to make Joe Keene president. Mrs. Crawford admitted she was right, but they had devised a bigger plot. She activated a trap door underneath Laurie. When Laurie came to, Senator Keene revealed that he was going to become Dr. Manhattan.

At Lady Trieu’s, Angela found recordings from the Dr. Manhattan booths. Will had sought Lady Trieu out because of her resources. He was still trying to take down Cyclops. They planned to trap and destroy Dr. Manhattan and take his power. Dr. Manhattan wasn’t on Mars; he was living as a human in Tulsa.

Angela escaped Lady Trieu’s and headed to her house, where Seventh Kavalry were staking it out. She took a hammer to Cal’s head and extracted a hydrogen symbol. Cal was Dr. Manhattan, and he’d been human so that they could be together.

The Truth about Bian

Watchmen Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Bian was using Angela in her research for her thesis. She told Angela that she often experienced memories of an old woman. Lady Trieu explained to Angela that Bian wasn’t her daughter. She had cloned her mother and was giving her Nostalgia. She wanted her parents to see her ultimate accomplishment involving the Millennium Clock.

Jury of Peers

Watchmen Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

Adrian Veidt was on trial with the Game Warden as the judge and a Ms. Crookshanks as the prosecutor and several other Ms. Crookshankses and Mr. Phillipses in the audience. The Game Warden brought in a drift of pigs to be the jury of his peers. Adrian Veidt was in trouble for trying to escape.

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