Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

Friends ‘Til the End – 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

Friends ‘Til the End – 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

You just can’t keep a Good Guy down. When Chucky, the killer doll possessed by the soul of serial killer Charles Lee Ray, was first introduced to audiences in 1988, audiences didn’t know what to make of him. He was terrifying, yes. Any sort of doll is scary, especially those of the killer variety. But Chucky was more than just a creepy, killer doll. Chucky isn’t Annabelle. He certainly is no master’s puppet. Chuck is his own master and, while he’s scary, he’s also so god*amn charming! Much of that charm is due to both the writing of Don Mancini and the performance of Brad Dourif, the voice of Chucky. For the past 30 years, Chucky has been providing as many laughs as screams.

10) “It’s Not the Size that Counts”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

Bride of Chucky was the film in which Chucky jumped the shark. It was also the film in which Chucky got married, made some sex, murdered John Ritter and ripped the lip ring out of Alexis Arquette. It was that final act that warranted a spot on our list. This was Chucky’s introduction to audiences after his long, lost lover Tiffany (played by Jennifer Tilly…but not the Jennifer Tilly that plays Tiffany in Seed of Chucky…or something.) steals him from an evidence locker and brings him back to life, via “Voodoo for Dummies.” At first, Tiffany doesn’t think it works and she resigns herself to another boring night spent with Damien (played by Arquette). But if there are two things Chucky hates, it’s Andy Barclay and somebody moving in on his woman. After a snide joke about the, erm, “size” of Chucky, the doll springs back to life with a one-liner for the ages and proceeds to rip out Damien’s lip ring before smothering him with a pillow.

9) “You’ve Been Very Naughty Miss Kettlewell”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

To be fair, if we were teachers and saw “f*ck you, B*tch” written across what was supposed to be a vocabulary lesson, we’d be a little irritated too. And, let’s be honest — if the kid you thought did it told you it was his possessed doll that was the real culprit, you’d probably react the same way Miss Kettlewell did. We feel for her, really. Chucky, however, lacks empathy. Andy escapes the classroom that he was supposedly locked in because he knows Chucky is lurking somewhere within the depths. Andy made it out of the classroom alive. The same could not be said of Miss Kettlewell. After searching for Andy in a closet, she finds Chucky there instead. Chucky, ever the opportunist, proceeds to stab the poor girl with an air pump and then beats her to death with a ruler.

8) “I Just Can’t with this Guy”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

You might think that the Good Guy himself, Chucky, is the biggest villain in the Child’s Play franchise. You’d be wrong. That honor belongs to Dr. Foley, they psychiatrist of our heroine, Nica, in Cult of Chucky. Chucky himself might be a serial killer who has murdered literally dozens of people, but he’s got nothin’ on Foley. Foley, we originally think, is a good guy. He’s a doctor trying to help Nica come to terms with the trauma she’s experienced. Then, he hypnotizes her. Then, he makes out with her. Then…wait, what? Ew. Supposedly, this little “therapy session” has been going on for quite some time. Dr. Foley has now become Public Enemy #1, and this is one time we’re definitely on Chucky’s side. After making a move on Nica, then telling her nobody would believe her because she’s “crazy,” Chucky bashes Foley in the head with a bottle and then, as per usual, sums up the situation perfectly.

“I just can’t with this guy! I don’t know whether to kill him or take notes.”

Spoiler: He killed him.

Bonus Spoiler: Right before he did, he told him that “this is for Nica.”

Last Spoiler: We all cheered a little bit.

7) “Aunt Maggie Got What She Deserved”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

Despite Chucky’s claims, Aunt Maggie was not a “b*tch.” She was just being a good friend to Karen Barclay; watching her son, Andy, while Karen was at work. For her troubles, she goes down in history as the killer doll’s first on-screen murder. The buildup to her death was perfect, as the audience is never given a full view of Chucky. In fact, for the first half of the entire movie, the audience isn’t totally sure Chucky is the killer. Andy Barclay is a bit of a red herring during the first half of the film. Whoever killed Aunt Maggie, however, has tremendous strength because a single blow of a toy hammer has enough power behind it to cause Margaret to basically run backward for about 10 feet before falling out the window and plummeting to her death.

6) “Why Does This Look so Familiar?”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

You might think you and your spouse have issues, but have you ever argued about how to murder John Ritter? Unlikely. That’s exactly what Chucky and Tiffany found themselves doing, however. Ritter was playing the role of overprotective and vindictive uncle to Katherine Heigl’s Jade. As he was trying to set up Jade’s boyfriend, Chucky and Tiffany got a little creative. Instead of simply stabbing the guy to death, they set up a trap that Jig Saw would be proud of. It was one that resulted in multiple nails finding their way into Ritter’s face, causing Chucky to ask himself “why does this look so familiar?” It was an obvious nod to the Hellraiser series, but it was still a fun reference in a movie full of them.

5) “This is the End, Friend”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

After everything Chucky put young Andy Barclay through, it had to have been cathartic once Andy had Chucky trapped in the fireplace during the climax of the first film. With Chucky finally as vulnerable as young Andy was, Andy strikes a match and Chucky knows exactly what’s coming. He tries to appeal to Andy’s better judgment, which yields no results. Then, he uses guilt, reminding Andy that they’re supposed to be “friends ’til the end.” Andy smirks and then states that “this is the end, friend.” He throws the match into the fireplace and Chucky is now ablaze. But if you think that’s gonna stop the Chuck, you’ve got another thing comin’, pal.

4)  “You’ve Got Your Mother’s Eyes”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

This was, perhaps, one of the biggest “twists” in horror movie history. Throughout the entirety of the Curse of Chucky, we were being led to believe that it was some sort of “reboot.” The Chucky doll was no longer bearing the scars of the previous two films and he was no longer after the soul of Andy Barclay, the heart of Dembala or the body of Jennifer Tilly. This time, Chucky was after Nica and her family. The audience didn’t know why until three-fourths of the way through the film. Then, we discovered that Charles Lee Ray had been in love with Nica’s mother. He killed Mika’s father and kidnapped her mother, who was actually pregnant with Nica at the time. After realizing that mom had called the police, Ray stabbed her in the stomach, before fleeing to the toy store in which he first transferred his soul into the Good Guy doll. Everything came full circle during this pivotal scene. Chucky revealed himself to Nica’s sister, complete with stitched face and all. He then tells the sister that she “has her mother’s eyes.” And then he stabs one of them out of her.

3) “Our Name is Chucky, Wanna Play?”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

Evidently, in between killing Jennifer Tilly and having a son, Chucky discovered that he is able to possess multiple dolls at one time. This new trick was on full display towards the end of Cult of Chucky (now the title makes sense!) as there were multiple Chucky dolls on screen, arguing about who got to kill Andy Barclay. The one with the bad haircut on. Shortly after, Chucky possessed his old nemesis, Nica, and proceeded to walk out of the hospital towards an awaiting Jennifer Tilly. The two girls kiss and then drive into the night, leaving the original series with its biggest cliffhanger.

2) “Friends Off”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

Okay, it was the series’ second biggest cliffhanger. The first was the post-credit scene following the Curse of Chucky. After successfully murdering the majority of Nica’s family and then letting her take the fall for it, Chucky mails himself to the apartment of a familiar face.  That familiar face turns out to be that of a grown-up Andy Barclay! Barclay answers the door and accepts the package, before setting in on his table to answer a phone call from his mother. While Andy talks birthday plans with his mom, Chucky begins to make his move. He cuts through the box, ready to surprise Andy with the surprise of a lifetime. Unfortunately for Chucky, Andy was anything but surprised. In fact, he was waiting for a Chucky with a shotgun in his hands and it was the perfect bow to a rather impressive series.

1) “Batteries Not Included”

Friends ‘Til the End- 10 Craziest Chucky Movie Moments

This scene is, perhaps, the most nerve-wracking scene in the entire series. After Chucky commits a string of murders and puts them on Andy, Mrs. Barclay brings the Good Guy doll back home with her. Thinking she’s going crazy, she challenges the doll to talk to her. It doesn’t, and Karen laughs at her paranoia. But then. She notices the box Chucky came in and begins to take a closer look. She notices that batteries are included with the package, but do not come in the doll. So how, Karen wonders, is Chucky moving and talking without batteries? It is one of the tensest scenes in horror movie history and is definitely the best scene in the Chucky franchise. As Karen threatens to throw Chucky in the fireplace if he doesn’t talk, he finally comes to life. It’s one of those good news/bad news situations. The good news is, neither Karen nor her son are crazy. The bad news is, Chucky is probably going to murder both of them. Still, though, it had to have been a relief to know that her son wasn’t a murderer.

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