Once Upon a Time clips introduce Merida and Dark Swan
ABC has provided three new Once Upon a Time clips from the upcoming fifth season featuring the first appearance of Princess Merida (played by Scottish actress Amy Mason) from Pixar’s Brave as well as Emma (Jennifer Morrison) in her new incarnation as Dark Swan after she becomes the new Dark One to save Storybrooke from destruction in the Season 4 cliffhanger. Check out the clips below!
“She’s free! She’s no longer responsible for anything,” Morrison told TV Line. “We were thinking about the evil version of Snow White, skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and mixing that with the idea of the black and white swan. There’s a little David Bowie in there, a little Blondie! A lot of those 70’s rock stars.”
Season 5 will detail the characters’ quest for the Sorcerer Merlin in order to free Emma from the forces of darkness, with Elliot Knight as Merlin, Joana Metrass as Guinevere and Andrew Jenkins as the knight Percival.
“Once Upon a Time” returns on Sunday, September 27 at 8pm/7c on ABC.
Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time
ABC's Once Upon a Time