South Park Season 22 Episode 2 Recap

In the previous episode of South Park, a shocking series of shootings at South Park Elementary School left only Sharon Marsh concerned about the welfare of the community. Meanwhile, Cartman and Token had a disagreement on the philosophical meaning of cheating. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap South Park season 22 episode 2 ‘A Boy and a Priest!’

The Joys of Church-going

South Park Season 22 Episode 2

The Marsh family left home for church. Sharon and Randy related how much they love the experience of going to church. During Father Maxi’s sermon, the entire congregation let out many jokes about Catholic priests sexually abusing young boys. After church, Butters stayed behind and attempted to comfort Father Maxi. Butters told Maxi that he needed to assert himself outside of the church more often. Later that week, Butters brought Maxi along to board game night. After Randy made more jokes, Father Maxi ran out of the house in shame. The next Sunday at church, the congregation found the church doors locked. Butters opened the door and told everyone that church was canceled that week.


South Park Season 22 Episode 2

Butters and Maxi went out camping together and two bonded over their love of Christ. They quickly developed a close friendship bordering on the romantic. Later that day, Mr. Mackey called the arch-bishop in Denver and informed them of Maxi’s disappearance. The arch-bishop ordered a ‘clean-up’ crew to go to South Park and cover Maxi’s mess up. Butters arrived at Clyde’s birthday party with Maxi in tow, Clyde was angry about Maxi’s presence. Meanwhile, at Skeeter’s bar, Randy and the rest of the congregation were moping until they were told that the church was re-opened. The clean-up crew was bleaching and scrubbing the entire building, Randy told them that Father Maxi was at his house a couple of days ago, so the crew went there next.


South Park Season 22 Episode 2

Back at Clyde’s party, Kyle confronted Butters about Father Maxi, and Butters left with Maxi. The clean-up crew arrived at Clyde’s party and began to scrub down all of the attendants. Meanwhile, Butters chased down Maxi in a parking lot and Butters confronted him about the church’s problems. Maxi confessed that he knew about the abuse of past years, and he willingly covered it up. Butter’s returned home, dejected at the loss of his newest friend. The clean-up crew intercepted Butters and threw him in the back of their van, along with Stan and Clyde. Later that day, Maxi went to the Marsh home and learned of the clean-up crew. The crew had set up Butters, Stan, and Clyde as bait for Maxi. Maxi learned of the crew’s plan and he went to the campground alone. He gave himself up to the crew and was offered a transfer to the Maldive Islands. In an attempt to make up for his mistakes, Maxi murdered the three priests of the clean-up crew. Maxi re-opened the church and went along with the congregations jokes.

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