American Horror Story: Roanoke Chapter 7 Recap

American Horror Story: Roanoke Chapter 7 recap and preview for next week

Sidney is in the production office, excitedly watching the fight between Matt and Dominic. A PA brings dinner, then leaves. The camera man sees something strange on the video screens, then they hear screams. Running outside, they find the PA dead on the ground, her jugular gushing. Agnes is there, in character as the Butcher. She stabs Sidney and the camera man, then takes the camera into the cellar. She paces, switching between Agnes and the Butcher as she addresses the camera. Agnes worries about killing the PA, who had a baby and was always nice to Agnes. Then she slips into the Butcher, ranting about her land being stolen. Agnes claims it was her destiny to play the Butcher. Suddenly her torch goes out, and when she relights it, she finds dozens of stick figures dangling from the ceiling. Agnes screams.

In the house, Audrey is worried about Rory so the group goes looking for him. Lee is filming everything so people will know that she didn’t lie about anything. The group finds a big puddle of blood and Audrey thinks it is a prank, done in bad taste, by Sidney and Rory so he could get out of his contract and take the big role in Hollywood.

Dominic approaches Shelby in the kitchen, trying to seduce her. Shelby wants nothing to do with him and is here for her husband. Matt walks in, and despite Shelby turning down Dominic, Matt is over his wife. “You want her, you can have her.” In the confession booth, Dominic admits he loves being the bad guy. The bad guy is always the lead.

Shelby goes to her room and cries. The camera that Agnes stole suddenly appears on the bed. Shelby notices it is covered in blood when Agnes, still dressed as the Butcher and covered in blood, appears, ranting about punishment. Shelby addresses her as Agnes, and Agnes admits she just wanted to be on the show, wanted to be the Butcher again. Shelby tries to leave, but the door is locked. Agnes slashes at Shelby, hitting her in the neck but missing major arteries. Shelby, in that time-honored found footage style, refuses to drop her cell phone, determined to show the world who killed her. Dominic bursts in and beats Agnes to unconsciousness, then tends to Shelby’s wound. When he looks back, Agnes is gone. Audrey and Matt show up to help wrap Shelby’s wound, and Lee comes in to announce that the phone lines have been cut.

After some arguing, Lee, Monet, and Audrey decide to head out into the woods to find the production office. They go through the underground tunnels in case Agnes is watching the front of the house. In the tunnels, the trio hears something. Sees something. Audrey thinks it is Rory, but it is Mott, the man that Rory played in the show. Lee shoots him four times, but he doesn’t stay down; just gets up and growl-screams. The ladies run and make it outside. The ghost won’t follow them outside.

It is dusk when they finally find the production trailer. They find the PA and the camera man dead, and Sidney not just dead, but disemboweled. In the greatest moment of bad-line delivery, Audrey shrieks, “I’m not American. I’m not used to carnage!” They can find no phones or computers in the production office, and the only car is dead. Agnes reappears, and Lee shoots her. She goes down, and bereft of any other ideas, Lee, Audrey, and Monet start the five-mile walk into town. Lee spies torch-baring colonists and rushes the ladies off the road. Hiding in the forest, Audrey leaves a Blair Witch-y video for Rory. Blood drops on her face and she finds Rory, disemboweled, hanging from the tree. Lee insists they keep filming, even when they hear someone coming. But it’s not the colonists; it’s the Polks.

Lee has been abducted by the Polks. They film her and tie her to a chair. Mama comes in and preparations begin. They cut open Lee’s pant leg, rub her thigh down with oil, and sprinkle seasonings on her. Mama reveals her secrets to sweet meat: tenderization. She stabs Lee in the leg with a fork. When we check back in with Audrey and Monet, they have also been captured by the Polks, and they are being fed chunks of Lee.

Back in the house, a human moment between Shelby and Matt. He feels their marriage was over the day they moved into the house. He hasn’t felt human since, but he had to come back. He didn’t have a choice. Shelby believes they can make it work again, but Matt doesn’t seem interested. That night, Matt wakes beside Shelby. In a trance, he gets out of bed and walks downstairs. Dominic, sleeping on the couch, sees Matt and follows. Matt doesn’t notice. He goes into the cellar. “I’ve been waiting for you,” he tells his unseen companion. Witchy Gaga grabs him and they start having sex. Dominic uses this to his advantage. He wakes Shelby and brings her down to catch Matt and the witch in the act. Shelby screams and hits the witch with a crowbar, but Matt stops her. He admits that the witch is the reason he came back – he is in love with her. So Shelby beats Matt to a bloody pulp with the crowbar. Dominic waits until Matt is good and dead before he stops Shelby. Dominic takes Shelby inside. She is hysterical and in shock. Dominic tries to calm her down and insists that the best thing for her to do is turn herself in. A noise draws them to the window.

Outside, Agnes is still in character, and she is dumping canisters of gasoline on and around the house. The colonists march up, and Agnes laughs gleefully. She freezes when she meets the real Butcher. Agnes drops to her knees, calls the Butcher her “idol” and her “maker.” The Butcher takes her cleaver to Agnes’ head.

You can watch a preview for Chapter 8 in the player below!

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