In the middle of the night, Nick and Reynaldo sneak out to deliver the Oxy to Marco. The shelves are looking pretty bare when they arrive. Nick knows Marco knows where they are staying, and offers him a weekly delivery of Oxy in exchange for being left alone. Marco snickers at this. He doesn’t need Nick’s Oxy anymore. He has teamed with another drug lord from Tijuana and together, they have a fortress. Fernando and his family are dead, and Marco threatens the same for Colonia if they don’t leave.
Luci is pissed when Nick returns, but he doesn’t lie to her. They go to Alejandro to warn him, and Nick suggests they leave. One of the patients turns and bites Alejandro in the arm. He also manages to bite one guy’s nose off, and bite the fingers of a nurse before Nick manages to stop him – by burrowing his thumbs so deep into the zombie’s eye sockets that he could destroy the brain. It’s actually pretty badass. The bitten say their goodbyes and are sent through the bus. Alejandro does not go. Luciana believes this will save them.
Nick packs. He is leaving and he wants Luci to leave with him. She doesn’t want to; she is still clinging to her faith. At Nick’s prodding, Alejandro finally admits that he isn’t immune to bites from the dead, and he is scared of the bite he just got. But he defends himself by saying that more people survived because of the lie. They followed him, built the community. Luci isn’t speaking to Alejandro, but she doesn’t want to leave.
Over at the hotel, Madison tries to reassure Travis that he did the right thing in letting Chris go off with the two douchebags. “He is safer with people who understand him. You belong here.” She goes downstairs to check on things. Travis isn’t ready to with her. Alicia brings him some food and apologizes for pushing Chris away. Travis apologizes for not believing her, not protecting her better, and for not recognizing that Chris is sick.

Madison checks in on the makeshift hospital in the garage and hears a couple douchey Americans acting up. She talks to them, finding out that they were in a car accident. Their truck rolled over and the driver didn’t make it. She hears their names and realizes this is Brandon and Derek – the guys Chris went with. In a panic, Madison checks in with Victor, not sure what to do. He recommends not telling Travis that Chris is dead. Hope is what will keep him going. She agrees and returns to Derek and Brandon, telling them that they are going to get special care in private. The others in the garage are mad that they are getting preferential treatment, but they aren’t. Madison is simply trying to quietly exile the pair, but it doesn’t work out. The others complain and follow them outside. Travis, still up in his room, hears the commotion and sees Brandon and Derek from the window. Thinking Chris is with them, he rushes downstairs, just as Madison is about to push them out the gates.
Instead, Travis and Madison take Brandon and Derek to a cafe, and Brandon promises to tell Travis everything, as soon as his arm is fixed. Andreas pops his shoulder back into place, and the boys tell their story. They were driving, they were exhausted, they hadn’t slept. Chris volunteered to drive; he wanted to contribute. He must have dozed off, too, because the next thing they knew, the truth was rolling. Brandon says that Chris went through the windshield, and was dead when they found him. Derek promises they took care of him, buried him under a tree. Something in the story doesn’t ring true to Travis, and he fakes leaving so everyone else will leave. Instead, he locks himself in the cafe with the boys and starts beating the hell out of him. Brandon finally admits they put him down.
In flashbacks, we see that Chris was driving, but he didn’t go through the windshield. He was able to pull himself out of the truck, but he had a bad compound fracture in his leg. Brandon and Derek approach him and shoot him dead. They didn’t bury him.

Travis resumes his punches. It is a messy fight that is weirdly unenthusiastic. Oscar arrives with the keys, but as soon as he opens the door, Travis knocks him out and locks the door again. He goes back to beating the boys, choking Derek and throwing him through a window. With Brandon, he stomps his head in. With both douchebags dead, Travis sinks into the corner, in shock. As the second hour starts, Andreas and Hector break into the cafe and unlock the door. Several men carry Oscar out while Madison check on Travis. Elena and Hector take Travis into custody, against Madison’s cries. Instead, she takes a knife to Brandon and Derek’s heads.
Victor reminds Madison of her own dictate, that anyone who raises a hand to anyone else must be exiled. Travis cannot stay. Alicia agrees – but suggests they leave with him. Madison invites Victor to come with them, but he won’t. Madison goes to Elena and lays out the deal: give us until tomorrow, and she and Alicia will leave with Travis. Elena agrees, and even lets Travis sleep in his room tonight. This infuriates Hector, who goes to check on Oscar to blow off some steam. Oscar is still unconscious, and Andreas thinks his brain is swelling. He has to cut a hole in his skull to let off some pressure.
Travis is not sorry for killing those boys, and Madison agrees they deserved it. She tells him that she was the one who locked Celia in with “her people” back at the compound. She is no better. She also knows that they will have to kill again.
Travis can’t sleep. Andreas and Hector break into the room. Hector is apoplectic: Oscar died. I am not sure why Hector is suddenly so loyal to Oscar and Andreas – after all, they kidnapped him. It was Madison who saved him. Anyway, a fight breaks out and Madison promises they will leave right now. Andreas pulls a gun, and Travis doesn’t flinch. He is ready to die. Alicia isn’t, and she stabs Andreas with her knife. It is pure chaos until Victor comes in and breaks it up. They need to run. Now. Madison, Alicia, and Travis race downstairs and hop in an SUV. Victor hands Madison a gun, but he is not leaving with them. Travis rams through the front gate. Alicia is in shock.

They go straight to the supermarket, but find it empty of both people and supplies. They find Fernando and his family, dead, and Madison recognizes them as the ones who said they knew Nick. They go through their belongings until they find an address.
Back at the Colonia, Luci cleans Alejandro’s bite. He knows he is dying, but Luci wants him to look presentable so he can give one last lie to his people. She still refuses to leave, and Nick refuses to stay. Alejandro gives another impassioned speech, declaring that the gangs are coming to kill them. He wants them to stand their ground, fight for what is theirs, and hold onto their faith. “We are immune to death,” he proclaims. Nick has already left at this point, but a sight in the distances makes him turn back: he sees a helicopter.
Alejandro is very near death when Nick returns. He points out to Alejandro that at this point, it is the people of Colonia’s lives he is playing with – his is already over. “If you want to be a great man, let them go. Give them permission to run.” Luci wants to stay, not for the land but for the people. But she will go, his people will go, if Alejandro tells them to.
The supermarket was empty because Marco and his gang are busy storming the Colonia. They make it through the zombie yard, pass through the bus, and get into Colonia proper. It is empty. Marco celebrates. They left, they hid like cockroaches. Marco and the gang celebrate by shooting into the air. But if something seems too easy… it probably is. Alejandro is alive, though barely, and he stayed behind. With his last bit of strength, he dragged himself into the bus, put it in gear, and rolled it into the Colonia. He passes out over the steering wheel and the zombies flood in. The gang come out to check on the ruckus and start shooting. They realize they are fighting a losing battle, and run.

Madison, Travis and Alicia arrive at the Colonia and find it empty. The adults go investigate, when Alicia notices Alejandro in the front seat of the bus. She goes to help him. Inside the Colonia, Madison and Travis pick up guns as the find them, and soon come face to face with a horde of zombies. Marco is among them. Madison desperately looks through the faces, checking for Nick, but they are coming too fast, and they have to leave. They meet up with Alicia, and Madison asks Alejandro about Nick. “Border,” he whispers weakly. “He saw something.” Alejandro dies.
Nick and Luci are leading the Colonia north, to the American border. They arrive at the border checkpoint, and Nick scans the air for helicopters. He sees one and determines it is a couple hours walk. But before things can get too “happily ever after,” gun shots ring out. Luci is shot, though not fatally, and everyone scatters. Apparently, even in the apocalypse, you have to protect those borders.
We also get a quick look at what happened to Ofelia. Basically, her truck dies, she kills a half dozen zombies, then sets out on foot. She finds a hole in the border fence and crosses over into America. She still has a long way to go, when suddenly she is shot at. A militia man appears, takes her knife away, and “welcomes” her to America.