Place Your Bets! Who Died on The Walking Dead?

[WARNING! Minor spoilers ahead for the season finale of The Walking Dead, and major spoilers for the comic books.]

It’s been more than a week since AMC‘s The Walking Dead‘s season finale. We finally met Negan, and in our introduction, he killed one of our heroes from Alexandria. In an excruciating cliffhanger, there is no indication of who was killed. By the time the cliffhanger is resolved, emotions will be drained and I think people will just be annoyed at having to wait seven months to find out who died. In addition, the massive cliffhanger raises expectations. You know that if a fan-favorite character dies, fans will go nuts. But if you don’t kill someone high enough on the “food chain,” fans will also go nuts, in a different direction. “I waited how long for this?” Fans are going to tune in, regardless of the cliffhanger.

Irrespective of its usefulness as a storytelling technique, this cliffhanger left us with one, vital question: who the hell died? We’ve gone through all the characters that were last seen kneeling before Negan and ranked their chances of survival based on usefulness of the character, their place in the comic books, and the economics of television.

Who died on The Walking Dead Season 6 finale? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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