Glenn’s not dead. As many had suggested, he hid beneath Nicholas while the zombies devoured him, then crawled beneath the dumpster, where he waited until the zombies thinned out. I am so glad that Glenn is alive – he is one of my favorite characters – but I am so mad at the producers for faking us out like that. Not cool, guys. And you know they planned this specifically because those who have read the comics know that this is around the time that comic-Glenn dies. If he dies in next week’s episode, I am going to be pissed.
Anyway, so Glenn makes a clean getaway after a day or two. He is desperately thirsty but can’t find any clean water. “Heads up,” a voice calls. Enid is on the roof of a nearby building. She throws him a bottle of water before disappearing inside. He guzzles the water, then pursues her into the building where she has been holed up. Enid hides while Glenn calls out, asking what happened in Alexandria, when he heard the airhorns. She offers nothing, nor does she respond to inquiries into Maggie. Instead, she disappears out a window.
Enid is waiting Glenn out in a diner. She opens the front door, calculating when she can move out between walkers, when Glenn appears from behind, clamps a hand over her mouth, and drags her back into the diner. He won’t leave her behind, because Maggie wouldn’t leave her behind. Enid refuses to go, insisting they are not friends. When Glenn tries to grab her again, she pulls a gun on him. He disarms her easily and she grabs her bag, unhappily leading the way.
On the road, the two are near the green balloon marker. She cuts off the balloons and ties them to her backpack, to use as a distraction, she says. Glenn points out a helium tank and more balloons in the bushes. Glenn tries to relate to her. He knows she is scared, that she doesn’t want to lose people she loves again. “You have to live because they don’t get to.” Enid does not take kindly to the lecture. Ah, teenage angst. No matter what hell is going on in the world, angst always wins out. The two continue on, and see Alexandria in the distance. Glenn is shocked at the thick ring of walkers that surround the perimeter.

There’s a lot going on in Alexandria. Rick brings Morgan in for a talk with him, Michonne, and Carol. They confront him about letting some of the Wolves live. He admits he did, claiming every life matters. That philosophy saved him; he needs to cling to it, and points out that Rick could have killed him last time they met, but didn’t, and Morgan has redeemed himself. None of them find the situation that black-and-white, but no action is taken against Morgan.
After a failed attempt once, Morgan visits Denise to inquire about antibiotics. He clearly wants antibiotics for the Wolf he has captive but doesn’t want to waste it if he doesn’t have an infection. He also didn’t want to get Denise involved, but she volunteers. The pair head over to the jail cell, walking separately, but close enough to remain suspicious. Carol sees this and, after dropping Judith off with Jessie, follows. She uses her key to unlock the jail, and comes face to face with Morgan.
Rick and Carl teach Ron how to use a gun. Rick gives him one, unloaded, so he can get used to carrying it and handling it. The first chance he gets, Ron creates a distraction for Olivia, then sneaks into the armory and grabs a handful of bullets. When we next see him, he is following a completely oblivious Carl, and Ron is pulling the gun from his pants.

Rick tries to soothe Maggie, telling her that he and Glenn and others in their group have returned from longer and harder missions before. He also promises that now, with the walls holding strong, they can take their time and plan a solid, fool-proof plan to lure the walkers away from the wall. Maggie seems reasonably comforted by this – or she is good at faking it. Rick sees the blood seeping through a bullet hole in the wall and starts working to reinforce it. One of the Alexandrians offers to help. He admits that before Rick’s crew got there, things moved very slow, and when Rick got there, things moved very fast. He and the other residents thought that Rick was a little crazy, seeing things in the shadows… then it turned out the things in the shadows were real.
The two see Spencer dangling from a wire, trying to make it over the zombies gathered outside. Rick goes into panic, as does Tara, who is keeping watch on the wall. Spencer is crawling along a thick wire attached to a grappling hook, but the hook is starting to give. Tara starts shooting at the walkers grabbing for Spencer. The wire gives and Spencer crashes down on a few zombies. He shoves a few out of the way to grab onto the wire. Rick has the other end and starts pulling him up. It takes a few people, but they finally get Spencer onto the safe side of the wall. He lost his shoe. Rick is mad at Tara – she almost died once for “these people.” Then he turns his anger onto Spencer, who was just trying to hep. “If you have an idea, you come to me,” Rick insists. “Would you have said yes?” Spencer counters.

People around Alexandria stop what they are doing when they see something in the sky. When Maggie sees the bunch of green balloons floating through the sky, she races to Rick, insisting it is Glenn. Her happiness is fleeting, though, as the burned-out tower on the edge of the property collapses, taking a huge chunk of wall out with it.
You can watch a promo and clip from The Walking Dead midseason finale by clicking here.