Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

In the previous episode of Cartoon Network’s Rick and Morty, Rick was obsessed with keeping secret pooping place private. In Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 3, Rick was unwillingly drawn into the world of heists, for which he had much disdain.

Heist Con

Rick brought Morty to an Indiana Jones-like temple to raid a crypt, only to find the calling card of Miles Knightley. He hated Miles and everything he stood for. To attend Heist Con to see Miles, Rick assembled a crew and ditched them. Miles challenged Rick to a Heist Off for a crystal skull. He had appropriated Rick’s crew and already stolen the skull. However, Rick had programmed a robot called Heistotron to double-cross Miles and take over his crew. Rick had the skull, and Miles had to join his crew, which included the entire convention. Rick ordered his crew to tear apart Heist Con, and though unintended, they tore Miles apart too.

Heistotron and Randotron

Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

Heistotron ended up double-crossing Rick. It wanted to create bigger heists and eventually started stealing whole planets. Rick assembled another crew and introduced them to Randotron, a robot that he’d made alongside Heistotron. Hopefully, Randotron could generate a plan random enough to bypass Heistotron’s contrived plans. Unfortunately, they realized that Heistotron had already stolen Earth.

Rick arrived at Heistotron’s ship. They argued over who was one step ahead of whom. Rick had switched Heistotron’s and Randotron’s identities numerous times. This forced the robots into realizing that the plans were just random all along. Both robots self-destructed in a long series of contrived plans.

Netflix Pitch

Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

Morty had been writing a screenplay for a heist movie. After Heistotron had been defeated, Morty had to make a pitch meeting with Netflix for his movie. Rick helped him get to it. While Morty was pitching, he realized how lame his movie was. The Netflix producers were interested, but Morty walked out, defeated. Rick happily took him back to Heistotron’s ship to put Earth back. The whole plot had been an elaborate plan to make Morty disinterested in heist plots and selling his screenplay to Netflix.

What did you think of this episode of Rick and Morty? Let us know in the comment section below!


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