Unbelievable Episode 8 Recap

Unbelievable Episode 8 Recap

In the previous episode of Netflix’s Unbelievable, Grace and Karen arrested Chris McCarthy and found pictures of Marie on his hard drive. In Unbelievable Episode 8, Marie learned of the investigation in Colorado, and McCarthy pled guilty.

Plea Deal

McCarthy wanted to get sentencing over with and plead guilty. His lawyer believed it could help reduce his sentence. His only condition was that the prosecution drop the kidnapping charges. The district attorney would only do so if the victims agreed. Grace wanted to add a condition; they would drop the charges if McCarthy gave up the password to his hard drive. It was encrypted with software that hadn’t been cracked yet, but the file and folder names indicated there could be more women on there. McCarthy refused to give up the password, but since the victims were all right with dropping the charges, the district attorney went along with it.

Pure Evil

Unbelievable Episode 8 Recap

On the day of McCarthy’s sentencing, Lilly and Doris addressed McCarthy and the judge in court. Amber sat at the back of the courtroom. Grace addressed the judge on behalf of the victims that couldn’t attend. She explained that they wouldn’t feel safe if McCarthy was ever free. Because the judge believed that what McCarthy had done was pure evil, he levied the maximum sentence: 327 years in prison.

Taggart told Karen and Grace that McCarthy’s lawyer had contacted him. McCarthy wanted to talk because he felt that it would be helpful for law enforcement. He only wanted to speak to Taggart because women made him feel uncomfortable.

Moving Forward

Unbelievable Episode 8 Recap

Grace called Det. Parker about Marie. She sent him the photos of Marie, and he went to Colorado took look at all the evidence they had gathered. Parker went to see Marie, who now worked at a go kart track. He told her about the case in Colorado and gave her a check from the city for $500, a reimbursement for the fine she paid. That night, Marie researched the case, but it ended up being too much for her.

With the help of her previous lawyer, Marie found a lawyer to help her sue the city. He came back with an initial offer of a $150,000 settlement. Marie wanted to take it, despite her lawyer wanting to ask for double. It was enough for her to move away and start over. She went to the police station since she still hadn’t received an apology. Parker finally apologized. At the beach, Marie called Karen to thank her. Knowing that people like Karen and Grace had her back was what had helped her move on.

What did you think of the finale of Unbelievable? Let us know in the comment section below!

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