Unbelievable Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Unbelievable Episode 2 Recap

In the previous episode of Netflix’s Unbelievable, Marie reported her rape to the police, and the detectives pressured her into saying it wasn’t true. In Unbelievable Episode 2, another woman reported a rape in 2011 that was similar but received different treatment from the detective.

Done It Before

Det. Karen Duvall responded to a report of a rape in Golden. It was 2011, three years after the incident with Marie. Duvall spoke with the woman, Amber, alone in her car. Amber was able to recall many details about the rape and her attacker. He held her at gun point and forced her to dress up like a prostitute and a child. The intruder took pictures of her during the rape and threatened her with exposing them, like with Marie. He had her shower and wash her face when he was done and took everything that he had touched with him.

Duvall took Amber to the hospital for her examination. She described what was about to happen and knew the nurses who would be taking care of her. Amber made sure to tell Duvall that, although the rapist told her it was his first time, she could tell that he had done it before.

Home Life

Unbelievable Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

One of Duvall’s daughters was sick. Her husband, Max, was taking care of her. She had a respiratory condition and a cold, and Karen worried about her oxygen levels. When Karen came home at the end of the day, she told Austin about the case. He was a police officer in a different precinct. He recommended that Karen call the detective on the case, Grace Rasmussen. She was staking out the apartment where another rape had occurred a month prior. She stopped a man walking in the woods behind the building.


Unbelievable Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

After Marie climbed back over the railing of the bridge, she called another young woman from her program to pick her up. Though she did, it was clear that Marie was being ostracized. Parker had closed the case, but the incident was still affecting Marie. She showed up at work late and had trouble concentrating. Her counselors set her curfew an hour earlier and required her to check in daily. They admitted that it was to show others in the program that Marie was facing consequences for lying.

Marie wanted to get away from where she lived, so she went to Colleen’s. She wasn’t there, so Al wasn’t comfortable having her stay in the house with just him. He was concerned that she would falsely accuse him of hurting her. It could affect their status as foster parents.

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