Agents of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 10 Recap

Photos by ABC.

It’s a case of mistaken identities in Agents of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 10. The team is shaken to learn that May shot and killed Sarge in his holding cell. Nothing about the act is in character for May. YoYo interrogates May while Daisy and Piper run her backtrail looking for any clue to what happened. Diaz leaves YoYo to question May, only to find that May has no memory of what happened.


Agents of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 10 Recap

Simmons discovers that even after being shot four times center mass, that Sarge is still alive. Not only that, but his wounds are healing and his vitals are getting stronger. Simmons has Sarge moved to the morgue where she straps him down and monitors him while he heals.

During his recovery, Sarge has vague, blurred visions. These are the memories he can’t quite access. The visions turn to smoke as Sarge awakens and slips out of his restraints to go after Izel.


Agents of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 10 Recap

Izel moves throughout the team, passing from Diaz to Piper. In the lab, Izel-as-Piper steals one of the shrike crystal fragments and, moving into Deke, uses it as a compass to lead her to a section of the Lighthouse that only the SHIELD director has the clearance to access.

Meanwhile, the team figures out that Izel is moving among them, possessing agents to get what she wants. Mack locks down the Lighthouse so that Izel can’t escape out into the world and brings the command team together to make sure that they are not possessed. Izel might be able to control her hosts, but does not have access to their memories. In order to verify each’s state of mind, the agents must disclose a personal secret that at least one other person in the room can verify.

As soon as Daisy and YoYo are verified, Mack locks them in a separate room in the command center. If Izel was able to get ahold of either of them, then she’d have control of SHIELD’s most powerful human weapons. Fitz is outed as the host, prompting Izel to reveal herself to the team. Izel says that she doesn’t want to harm anyone, she just needs the director to access the top secret area. The team tries to stop her, forcing Izel to show them that she is the one in control. Izel possesses Piper and makes her shoot herself in the hand. When that doesn’t convince them, Izel passes through them in turn until she reaches Davis and forces him to leap to his death. While the agents are distracted, Izel possesses Mack.

Agents of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 10 Recap

Izel uses Mack to enter the top secret area where the gravitonium device is stored. Sarge follows her there and tries to kill Izel, but bullets are no more effective against her than they were in stopping him. Izel explains that when Coulson used the device to seal off the power of the monoliths, the Di’Allas created a body that matched Coulson’s and sent it back through time and space into their realm. Their people lack form and desire physical forms very much. The shrike have infested host bodies throughout the galaxy. With the device, Izel plans to release their people into the universe to inhabit those host bodies.

Sarge doesn’t believe her. Though Izel says that the memories he has are remnants of Coulson’s memories and not true, Sarge refuses to join Izel. Izel leaves with the device and finds Daisy and YoYo aiding Mack. Izel moves to possess Daisy, but YoYo intervenes, taking Izel into herself. With Izel in possession of YoYo, she tells Mack that she could kill every one of them before they knew what happened if she so chose. All he wants to to be given a jet and allowed to leave. Mack agrees to give her a jet as long as he comes with her. Izel agrees and the team is helpless to do anything but watch Mack go with Izel.

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