Milk Pansa, Love Pattranite, View Benyapa, and June Wanwimol in 23.5 episode 12
Milk Pansa, Love Pattranite, View Benyapa, and June Wanwimol in 23.5 episode 12 (Photo Credit: GMMTV)

Thai GL series 23.5 Ending Explained: Do Milk Pansa and Love Pattranite Reunite?

The popular Thai GL series 23.5 (23point5) took viewers on Ongsa’s (Milk Pansa Vosbein) and Sun’s (Love Pattranite Limpatiyakorn) rollercoaster journey to achieving love since making its premiere. The drama released its final episode on Friday, May 24, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. ICT on GMM 25. Here’s a look at the 23.5 ending.

23.5 episode 12 begins with Ongsa affirming to Sun that their relationship will stay the same no matter how far apart they are. Later at school, Aylin and Luna’s friends tease them, while Ton continues to get rejected by Charoen. On the other hand, Tinh reveals that Mawin wants to focus on college applications first. They will sort out the dating part after that.

Sun reveals to her friends that she will take the scholarship test for the student exchange program. Charoen and Tinh decide to film every moment with Sun for her to keep as memories when she goes away. Following that, the Astronomy Club members, along with the Teachers Nida and Bambam, get emotional as they share a group hug. Later, Sun asks Ongsa to cook for her as moral support.

Ongsa tries to make a dish, but when her dad tastes it, he says she can’t cook. As plain rice is the only thing Ongsa can make, she takes it to school for Sun. Despite having a simple meal, Sun is happy since the former had put effort into making it. The pair then shares sweet romantic moments when Ongsa stays at Sun’s house for a sleepover. Furthermore, Sun is ecstatic that she has qualified for the student exchange scholarship.

23.5 Final Episode 12: Does Thai drama have a happy or sad ending?

Tinh worries as all of Sun’s footage is gone after Charoen dropped the hard disk in holy water. The two then apologize to Sun as she says they don’t have to film videos for her. Instead, she will keep all the good memories of love and friendship in her heart. The friends then agree to study together as the final exams approach.

Elsewhere, Aylin massages Luna’s neck after the latter says she slept in the wrong position while studying. The latter then says they won’t get to see each other as often when she goes to university next year. Luna asks her to be the Aylin who values friendship and isn’t lonely anymore. She then promises to love Aylin forever. Furthermore, the friends rejoice as they finish their final exams. Meanwhile, Ongsa feels uncertain about her and Sun’s future relationship as the latter prepares to depart.

After Sun moves to the US, she and Ongsa maintain their long-distance relationship. While the latter doesn’t have Sun in Grade 11, she is accompanied by Aylin, who moves to her class. The seniors have all graduated and are now university students. However, Luna leaves notes in Aylin’s books to continue extending her love and support as she opened up to people. Furthermore, Ongsa narrates that teacher Nida and Bambam continue to bicker all the time but love each other equally. Ton does not give up on Charoen after graduating as he finds ways to flirt with her. Meanwhile, Mawin stops by the school from time to time to visit Tinh.

Aylin asks Luna how different university life is from school life. The latter explains there is more freedom, but they must be responsible and work hard as well. As Aylin worries, Luna asks what she can do so she doesn’t feel scared. The pair then share a kiss.

Elsewhere, Ongsa worries when Sun doesn’t pick up her calls. The latter surprises the former at the same place where they met for the first time when Sun gave Ongsa a ride to school. The two get emotional as they share a heartwarming embrace. 23.5’s ending sees Ongsa and Sun reunite as the former says, “Ongsa whose axis tilts just to match Sun’s orbit.” She adds that it will remain like this for the rest of her life.

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