High Maintenance Season 1 is an American anthology comedy-drama television series. It follows The Guy, a marijuana delivery man, as he delivers the product…
Based on a web series created by Ben Sinclair and Katja Blichfeld, High Maintenance on HBO Max is a comedy-drama…
The series will feature Clancy Brown as the main antagonist
The series starred Ben Sinclair, who was also the co-creator along with Katja Blichfeld
What will you be streaming this week?
HBO knows life gets hard and they've got just the guy to wash away the blues
The acclaimed dramedy just aired its third season finale on March 17.
The show's third season will premiere January 20 on HBO
The third season will premiere on HBO on Sunday, January 20.
Ben Sinclair stars as a weed deliveryman
Plus, details on new shows Divorce, Insecure and High Maintenance