Directed by Jason William Lee, Funhouse revolves around Kaspar, a washed-up singer, who is invited to an online reality TV…
ComingSoon is excited to debut an exclusive behind-the-scenes clip from the horror movie Funhouse, revealing how the special effects team…
Latest News
The trailer for Memoir of a Snail has been released. Memoir of a Snail is a new adult stop-motion dramedy…
ComingSoon can exclusively reveal two trailers for Kinji Fukasaku movies that show off their forthcoming 2K restoration. In September 2024,…
The official Jurassic World 4 title and logo have been revealed, with Universal Pictures also revealing the first photos for…
Marvel and DC
While not too much is known about the upcoming movie, a new batch of The Fantastic Four: First Steps set…
James Spader is officially ready to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In a surprising bit of news, THR is…
Robert Downey Jr.‘s return to the MCU as Doctor Doom shocked nearly everyone, and in a recent interview, the actor…