Director James Mangold Talks Logan Trailer

Yesterday, the Logan trailer rocked the internet and director James Mangold has talked to Empire about the trailer, specifically some interesting info about Wolverine’s diminished healing factor.

RELATED: The Logan Trailer is Here!

“We questioned whether Logan’s healing factor causes him to heal without even a scar,” Mangold said. “We imagined that it may have when he was younger, but with age, he’s getting older and ailing. Perhaps his healing factor no longer produces baby-soft skin. So we imagined he heals quickly, still, but it leaves a scar. The simple idea was that his body would start to get a little more ravaged with a kind of tattooing of past battles, lacerations that remain of previous conflicts.”

Mangold also refused to confirm whether the mysterious little girl played by Dafne Keen is Laura/X-23, the female clone of Logan, though he hinted that the rumors could be true.

“I think I will just let speculation run rampant about that,” stated Mangold. “I think what this film is about in many ways is family. From there out I’d let everyone figure out what we’re up to on their own, at least at this early stage. I’m not here today to confirm or deny anything. I think it’s great that everyone’s speculating and I think it reveals how smart the audience is, many of the fans, about these characters. I don’t think they’re on the wrong track.”

Finally, he commented on the shocking R-rated moment in the international trailer where Wolverine shoves his claws right through a guy’s brain.

“[This represents] to me the kind of aggressive, classical Wolverine action that we want in the movie – more of something that fans have been asking for, for a really long time,” Mangold added. “We’ve been limited in one way or another from giving it to them, but I think we’ve got the go-ahead to really go for it on this picture. So we’re really trying to deliver what folks have always imagined those kind of battles would look like. There is a lot of high-octane action in the movie. We’re just trying to do it very differently and very viscerally.”

RELATED: Logan International Trailer Features R-Rated Scene

The Wolverine director James Mangold is back behind the camera for Hugh Jackman’s final turn as the character.

Starring Hugh Jackman and Sir Patrick Stewart, Logan is coming to theaters on March 3, 2017. The new film will mark the ninth time that Hugh Jackman has played the character on the big screen. Mangold is directing from a script by David James Kelly.

Mister Sinister and his “Essex Corp” were previously said to be the villain(s) of the film, with rumors pointing toward Richard E. Grant playing the villain, though it remains unconfirmed. We know that the primary villains for the film will include both The Reavers, lead by Boyd Holbrook’s Donald Pierce, as well as Wolverine’s favorite group, Weapon X. It stands to reason that Sinister’s role in the film will be tied to the creation of X-23, the young female clone of Wolverine also along for the film’s road trip.

The cast for Logan also includes Stephen Merchant, Eriq La Salle, Elise Neal and Elizabeth Rodriguez.

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