Geoffrey Rush to Voice Tomar-Re in Green Lantern

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that Geoffrey Rush (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, The King’s Speech) will provide the voice for Tomar-Re in Warner Bros. Pictures’ Green Lantern.

The Aussie actor will be Tomar-Re, a bird-beaked alien who teaches Ryan Reynolds’ character how to use his new cosmic powers in "Green Lantern"… Rush’s character — introduced in the pages of DC Comics in 1961 — is a scientist on his home planet and almost spiritual in his tutelage of Jordan even if his reptilian-chicken visage might suggest someone more, um, peckish.

The action adventure, directed by Martin Campbell, stars Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Mark Strong, Angela Bassett, Tim Robbins, Temuera Morrison, Jay O. Sanders, Taika Waititi and Jon Tenney. It will hit 3D and 2D theaters on June 17.


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