Twilight Screenwriter on What We Won’t See in Breaking Dawn

**The following includes both book and movie spoilers in case you haven’t read “Breaking Dawn” yet.

Back in June, “The Twilight Saga” screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg was quoted in an interview saying that Renesmee’s birth scene should not be shown in a graphic way in “Breaking Dawn.” “…All the comments are ‘It has to be R rated! You have to show the childbirth! Gore and guts and sex!’ For me it’s actually more interesting to not see it. You know, you can do childbirth without seeing childbirth … it doesn’t mean it’s any less evocative of an experience,” she said.

Talking to PopSugar, Rosenberg has clarified what she meant. “The childbirth — all the scenes, I feel — should be on screen. I think perhaps what I was referring to was, would we actually see Edward’s teeth through the placenta? I don’t think so. I don’t think we need to see that, and if someone needs to see that, I think they should take a look at that. [Laughs.] I believe it will be implied, but I don’t think we’ll see teeth in the placenta,” she said.

The writer also said she looking forward to Bella’s transformation. “I think seeing Bella as a vampire and her adjusting to her powers and embracing them, those are all really fun scenes to write. Particularly when you picture Kristen Stewart playing her, and the way she’s embodied Bella as a sort of awkward, fidgety persona. When she turns into a vampire, all of that goes away.”

Part 1 hits theaters on November 18, 2011. Part 2 does not have a release date yet.


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