Jason Bourne returned to theaters in 2004 with Paul Greengrass at the helm of The Bourne Supremacy and the franchise and action films would never be the same again. Some may argue Greengrass’ decision to use handheld camera work, what is now not-so-affectionately-referred-to-as “shaky cam”, was a detriment to cinema as others tried to mimic it, but I think it’s safe to say it will never be duplicated. Greeengrass brought a third person feel to his shooting and in putting together the location maps for not only Supremacy, but also The Bourne Ultimatum (map coming tomorrow) offered up an interesting task.
It was almost like I became a cinematic detective as Greengrass goes wide and tight with so many of his shots. I was having to go through the movie frame-by-frame at times, searching for clues, street signs and business signs in hopes of nailing down the exact location for some of these shots or setting up the street view links so you get the closest angle used in the film from which to view the actual location. And trust me, you click on the “More details” link for some of these locations and you’re going to see just how close to several of them I was able to get.
Now, as for the locations in The Bourne Supremacy. Here we begin with Bourne (Matt Damon) and Marie (Franka Potente) in hiding in Goa, India while locations in London, Berlin and the U.S. are used, but not always to represent the cities with which they’re in. Most Moscow locations are actually located in Berlin, but the shoot does end up at the Kiyevsky Station Square in Moscow briefly.
I’m sorry if you’re visiting this post on a mobile phone, but you are going to want to at least be using a tablet device if not a full desktop or laptop to view the interactive map below.
To easily navigate the map you just need to click on the list of moments from the film in the left-hand column and the map on the right will change to preview information from each location. You’ll be met with addresses, images and in some cases clips from the film along with brief commentary on each location. Like any other time you use Google Maps, you can zoom in all the way down to street level and zoom back out. In some instances I have included a “More details” link, which will take you to a closer look at some locations to see how they appear now compared to how they appeared in the movie.
All the images used in the map are taken directly from the movie itself, so if you click on the “more details” link I’ve done my best in most situations to offer a street view that gives you the same look at the scene from the film.
Other Bourne Maps
- The Bourne Identity Location Map
- The Bourne Supremacy Location Map
- The Bourne Ultimatum Location Map
NOTE: You will need Javascript enabled in order for this feature to work and an up-to-date web browser is suggested.
TIP: I chose to start wide with this map as it moves from India, to Germany, to Russia and finally to the U.S. Most of the film, however, was shot in Berlin, and you can zoom in on any location for greater detail. Additionally, clicking on the “More Info” links on some of the locations will take you to a Google Street View.
- Off the grid in Goa
- Framing Bourne
- Kirill gets his orders
- Kirill tracks Bourne
- Marie is killed
- Kirill flies to Russia
- Ward finds Nicky
- “I thought you were here to kill me.”
- Arriving in Berlin
- Tracking Pam
- Pam’s hotel
- “She’s standing right next to you”
- Meeting Nicky
- Bourne remembers
- Hotel Brecker
- On foot
- Chase continues
- Boarding the train
- Bait and switch
- “You told me Jason Bourne was dead”
- Arriving in Moscow
- “She moved out of the city.”
- Shot
- Crash
- “I hear you’re still looking for me”
I have to give credit to Movie Locations in helping me put this map together.