A24 is going the grassroots route with their For Your Consideration campaign for James Franco‘s performance as Alien in Harmony Korine‘s Spring Breakers and today they’re using The Huffington Post as the launching point for a new video montage of critic quotes and one liners.
Korine’s film was listed at #2 on the his list, but is there any chance of convincing the Academy this is a performance worth taking seriously?
Audience reception to the film was virtually zero and I honestly think it’s something that would be looked at even closer had audiences grabbed onto the role or even if audiences had gone to see Franco in Homefront this past weekend where he plays another wild card character as small town meth dealer Gator Bodine. But when all the talk seems to be from the studio and reactions to the studio’s attempts to get him some buzz then it’s hard to think it will gain any kind of traction.
In my review of the film, which I saw over a year ago now, I said Franco’s “portrayal of Alien makes the film worth watching on its own” and I stick to that, but overall it isn’t a film that floored me. Yet, it’s important to note, this is about the performance, not the film… What do you think?
[yt id =”PmaQ4KxjWSA” width=”610″]