Formerly titled Halloween 3D, the next chapter in the slasher franchise has a new name. Schmoes Know (via reports that Halloween: The Next Chapter is on the way.
Details are few on what The Next Chapter will bring, but it does mark the overall 11th film in the series, which started with John Carpenter’s original in 1978. The last two films, Rob Zombie’s Halloween and Halloween II, have started a new reboot continuity and it is suspected that The Next Chapter will continue from the events of the 2009 release.
There’s also no specific timeline on when to expect Halloween: The Next Chapter, although the outlet notes that the script for the new film isn’t being targeted for completion until the fall of 2015. As always, check back for updates as they become available.
UPDATE: got in touch with producer Malek Akkad who says that the above information is inaccurate. Meanwhile, the franchise’s official Facebook page has posted the following message:
Weve been getting a lot of e-mails/tweets/Facebook messages lately about a project called Halloween: The Next Chapter. It seems thats the latest buzz surrounding the next Halloween film and again its just not true. As we stated before, a new installment of Halloween is indeed in on track and moving forward and we are currently developing a script, to finally bring Michael back to the theaters!
More information will be released over the coming months and exclusively at So make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, so you can know first!