First announced earlier this year, Jonathan Levine’s untitled Christmas Eve comedy has added a female lead. The Hollywood Reporter brings word that “Masters of Sex” star Lizzy Caplan will play a woman named Diana, who serves as a romantic interest to Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character. Seth Rogen and Anthony Mackie are also slated to star.
Set to begin production next week, the comedy follows three childhood best friends who meet in New York City for an annual Christmas Eve reunion.
Caplan also appears in Rogen’s The Interview, hitting theaters December 25. The Levine film will arrive nearly a year later, hitting the big screen December 11, 2015.
Joe Drake and Nathan Kahane are behind the project. Their company, Good Universe (previously named Mandate Pictures), produced and co-financed 50/50. Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s Point Grey Pictures will also produce. Levine is also providing the screenplay for the film.
(Photo Credit: FayesVision /