Bobcat Goldthwait and Barry Crimmins on Call Me Lucky
It’s hard to talk about Bobcat Goldthwait’s latest film Call Me Lucky, a documentary that shines the spotlight on Boston comedian and political activist Barry Crimmins, without giving away a major turn in the movie that may take some viewers by surprise if they don’t know anything about Crimmins’ amazing efforts as a child advocate fighting against online pedophiles.
Call Me Lucky is also quite a departure for Goldthwait, who began his career as a stand-up comic, performing at some of Crimmins’ Boston clubs, before transitioning into an indie filmmaker known for dark edgy comedies like World’s Greatest Dad, starring the late Robin Williams, and God Bless America.
You’d think that a documentary about a lesser-known stand-up comedian directed by Goldthwait and featuring some of the many comics that knew Crimmins over the years would be a very funny movie and at times it is, but there’s also a dark undercurrent involving another aspect of Crimmins’ life as an out-spoken activist. Goldthwait himself wasn’t sure whether knowing a lot about Crimmins before seeing the movie would be better than going in not knowing anything, but ComingSoon.net had a chance to talk with him and Crimmins earlier this week and you can watch that interview in the video player below.
Call Me Lucky opens in select cities on Friday, August 7.