7 Movies Disliked by Their Own Directors

Comingsoon.net has compiled seven of the most infamous times a filmmaker, for one reason or another, disowned their own feature-length projects. From David Lynch to David Fincher, it has happened to many a director, regardless of how much talent they may possess. Check out our gallery of seven such films below!

It is far from uncommon for filmmakers to disown their own films. For one reason or another, everything doesn’t always come together as they envisioned it would. Perhaps special effects were not up to snuff, perhaps their budget was constrained, or perhaps there was a problem with personnel. More often than not, however, the director blames the studio for interfering with their vision for their movie through edits, reshoots or some other means. There are countless examples of studios stepping in to alter a film they are funding.

Some directors see these actions as studios protecting their investment. For studios, the raison d’etre for funding a film is to make a profit. Their stepping in likely stems from their desire to ensure the film is profitable. In so doing, they may water down the director’s intended message film and make it inoffensive and perhaps bland. Some filmmakers—namely George Lucas—have been on record that they perceive studio interference as nothing more than an exercise of power. A fair criticism or not, we have compiled a handful of films that fit that bill. Here you will find seven directors who were unhappy with the final product of their films.

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