5 Best Seth Rogen Roles

5 Best Seth Rogen Roles

After first being featured in Judd Apatow’s series Freaks and Geeks, Seth Rogen has portrayed a number of roles, many of which are, presumably, just exaggerated versions of himself. Rogen is a very smart, very funny, very self-aware man. His laughter is contagious and he has no problem making himself the butt of a joke.

As a proponent of marijuana, Rogen often portrays “stoner characters” with hearts of gold. The dude can get dramatic too, though, as evidenced by his turns in Funny People and 50/50. Seth Rogen is more than just a clown (despite his afro) but if all he ever did was make us laugh, we would still be grateful for him. He has appeared in a number of films and television shows and he always makes an impression.

Whether Rogen is knocking somebody up, fighting alongside Kato or preparing for the end of the world, one thing can be certain- he’s gonna do it all with his trademark laugh not far from his mouth. These are the 5 Best Seth Rogen Roles.

5) Neighbors (2014)

5 Best Seth Rogen Roles

After moving into a new house, Mac (Rogen) and his wife, Kelly (Rose Byrne) soon realize that they are neighbors to a frat house. They initially try to make friends with the college boys (led by Zac Efron), but it is in vain, as college guys have nothing in common with old, married couples. What follows is a game of one-upsmanship between Mac and Teddy. Neighbors is a relatively harmless comedy that brings to light the huge differences between college and married life. Both are good for a time and neither can be experienced unless it’s the right time. Rogen does a great job as the hapless husband just trying to take care of his (way too hot for him) wife and their baby.

4) Funny People (2009)

5 Best Seth Rogen Roles

For a movie entitled ‘Funny People,’ it sure is a depressing movie. Maybe that’s the irony. Funny People is an Adam Sandler film from 2009 that explores the life of a comic named George Simmons (played by Sandler). Simmons learns that he has a fatal disease, so he goes on a journey to right some of his past wrongs and to take a budding comedian named Ira (played by Rogen) under his wing.

It’s a dramedy in the truest sense of the word, but an important film that explores themes like mortality, goodness and love. For his part, Rogen plays most of the film as the straight man and somehow makes audiences forget about his previous roles. Ira is just a guy trying to make it, while also comforting a dying man. It’s a fascinating dynamic and Funny People has become one of Judd Apatow’s most underrated films, thanks in large part to Rogen’s performance.

3) Pineapple Express (2008)

5 Best Seth Rogen Roles

This is the role that Rogen was born to play. Pineapple Express tells the story of a stoner named Dale Denton (Rogen) who ends up tangled in a web of corruption, deceit and murder, all because he picked the wrong dealer and smoked the wrong joint. It’s a silly premise, but Pineapple Express is one of Seth Rogen’s funniest films, due to his performance and the direction of David Gordon Greene. The guy who brought you the Halloween reboot made a movie with Seth Rogen about smoking weed, and it’s hilarious.

2) Himself – This is the End (2013)

5 Best Seth Rogen Roles

This is the End is an ensemble film that just might end up being the best “Disaster Movie,” of modern times. It stars Rogen, James Franco, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson and more, all playing fictionalized versions of themselves. These friends gather at James Franco’s palatial mansion for a party of epic proportions, only to find out the world is ending and they have not been raptured.

Clearly a satirical look at the “End Times,” the film tells a very real story about friendship, sacrifice and the Backstreet Boys. Rogen is unafraid to acknowledge some of the criticisms levied against him (like his laugh or his dreadful performance in The Green Hornet) and the other characters deal with their fair share of zings as well. This is the End is a great (and scarily accurate) portrayal of Hollywood and the people who make it up.

1) Ben Stone – Knocked Up (2007)

5 Best Seth Rogen Roles

What would you do if [Seth Rogen] got you pregnant? That was the tagline of the 2007 film Knocked Up and, for many ladies, it was a terrifying premise. Knocked Up tells the story of a rising journalist named Alison Scot (played by Katherine Heigl) who is out celebrating a big promotion. She meets a guy named Ben Stone (played by Rogen) at a bar and, despite the obvious aesthetic discrepancies, the two hook up. Except they didn’t listen to their moms and use protection, and the title explains what happens as a result.

What follows is an exploration of two people who are nowhere near ready to be parents, getting ready to be parents. Rogen is hilarious but he also brings a very real sense of vulnerability to the role. Becoming a parent is scary and Rogen (and Heigl!) do a great job of showcasing the fear and excitement of parenthood.


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