5 Films that Remind You How Single, Sad and Lonely You Are

5 Bittersweet Movies About Love

Not all romances are happy endings and wedding bells. Sometimes a relationship isn’t meant to last, or just doesn’t work out. Sometimes the universe steps in and takes a loved one far too soon. But just because these romances aren’t epic loves stories doesn’t make them any less entertaining. Everyone has had a messy break-up. Or is missing someone terribly. Or has been wrapped up with a toxic person. These films dive beneath the surface of the myriad faces the romantic love can take.

5) 500 Days of Summer (2009)

5 Films that Remind You How Single, Sad and Lonely You Are

Joseph Gordon Levitt plays the lovestruck Tom in 500 Days of Summer. Tom is a big believer in fate and he believed fate brought Summer, played by Zooey Deschanel, into his life. She was the girl of his dreams, right in front of him, and he had to make her a part of his life. He did, and everything was going perfectly. Tom was in love and nothing could change that. Until they broke up. After a messy recovery period, Tom eventually found closure with Summer and believed, once again, that fate was on his side. And then he met a girl named Autumn.

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4) PS I Love You (2007)

5 Films that Remind You How Single, Sad and Lonely You Are

Gerry and Holly were very much in love. Gerry was a free-spirited, singing Irishman. Holly was an uptight, but lovable control freak. They met, fell in love and he sang her songs right up until the day he died. In death, he gave Holly a gift that made audiences cry their eyes out while hoping to one day find a love that endures through death. Before Gerry died, he wrote Holly a series of letters, directing her to experience some of the most beautiful aspects of life. In his final letter, he tells Holly that it’s okay to miss him but that she has a whole life in front of her — a life that he will always be a part of, just in a different way.

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3) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

5 Films that Remind You How Single, Sad and Lonely You Are

In Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Peter (Jason Segel) is dumped by his famous girlfriend. He doesn’t cope well. After a series of one night stands and some solid moments of introspection and self-loathing, Peter decides that the best way to forget about Sarah Marshall is to go on a Hawaiian vacation. The problem is, Sarah Marshall (played by Kristen Bell) is also in Hawaii with her new boyfriend, Russel Brand. Despite this, Peter stays and actually meets a new girl, played by Mila Kunis. The two fall for each other, but then Peter screws it up by kinda-sorta hooking up with Sarah again.


2) True Romance (1993)

5 Films that Remind You How Single, Sad and Lonely You Are

Clarence and Alabama was a romance that was written in the stars. Fate brought these two together, even as their worlds were crashing down around them. Clarence, a romantic comic book geek (played by Christian Slater) and Alabama, a prostitute with a heart of gold (played by Patricia Arquette) were meant for each other. Their story is that of star-crossed lovers who find their way to each other while the world around them burns to the ground. People die. Lots of people. All because Clarence and Alabama loved each other. It’s a Bonnie and Clyde kind of romance for the modern era.


1) Just Friends (2005)

5 Films that Remind You How Single, Sad and Lonely You Are

Chris Brander was a loser in high school, but at least he always had Jamie. Jamie and Chris (played by Amy Smart and Ryan Reynolds, respectively) were best friends, but Chris wanted more. After an especially embarrassing moment, Chris leaves town, vowing never to return. Yet a decade later, return he does. Jamie still lives there and Chris realizes he still loves her. He never stopped loving her, in fact. It didn’t matter how many nights he spent with others, she was still the only one in his dreams. It didn’t matter how far apart they were, she was always a part of him.

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