L.A.! Come See The Canal for Free at Beyond Fest TONIGHT!

Rupert Evans the CanalBeyond Fest is underway here in Los Angeles and I just wanted to throw out a friendly reminder to our area readers that tonight Shock Till You Drop is hosting a free screening of The Canal. This is the film that was picked up under our distribution partnership with The Orchard. It’s hitting select theaters and VOD on October 10th, but this is your chance to check it out free and on the big screen.

It plays before the highly-anticipated Nightcrawler at Beyond Fest. So, if you have tickets for Nightcrawler, come see The Canal beforehand, or, if you missed out on getting tickets for that sold-out screening and still want to drop in on the fest, The Canal is a great option!

Tickets for The Canal are going to be made available at 6:00pm at the Egyptian Theater (6712 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 90028) box office. The screening is at 7:30pm. I’ll be hosting and offering some giveaways.

We held a screening at Comic-Con over the summer and the audience was thrown into a pure state of dread.

Written and directed by Ivan Kavanagh, and starring Rupert Evans, the film tells the story of David Williams and his wife, Alice, who move into a beautiful period house by the canal with their small child, Billy. As David begins to suspect that his wife is cheating on him, he also starts to have nightmarish visions of an evil presence he believes inhabits his home. Eventually, brutal 20th-century murders are revealed and present-day horrors consume the protagonists.


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