Witching & Bitching, Beneath Get Release Dates from IFC

file_176379_0_beneath_still_001IFC has announced some release dates for two summer offerings. Up first is Alex de la Iglesia's Witching & Bitching which is hitting on June 13th.

Part relationship comedy, part horror film, the film concerns a group of thieves who plan to leave Spain, avoid the authorities and head to France, however, their journey is interrupted when they fall into the hands of a coven of witches.  Read my review out of Fantastic Fest right here.

Next is the Revolver Pictures film, Beneath (no relation to the other release this year called Beneath).

Directed by Ben Ketai, Beneath concerns a young attorney and a group of miners who are trapped underground after a disastrous collapse and begin a descent into madness.  

Brent Briscoe, Rene Rivera, Mark L. Young, Kurt Caseres, Erik Etebari, David Shackelford, Ashway Lawver and Jason Masek round out the cast. 

Look for that film on June 27th!



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