Del Toro Provides Another Update on The Strain TV Series

Del Toro has provided another update on the potential series, this time he’s talking to MTV and he’s providing a time frame in which we’ll be seeing some big developments occur.

He told the site, “We’re planning to shoot the pilot in August. Pacific Rim comes out in July. Right after “Pacific Rim” we go into pilot shooting. We are already prepping the pilot starting next week. The pilot has been approved so it’s green-lit. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Our expectations are for FX to move ahead with the series next Fall and Winter and for the series to air in 2014.”

Del Toro said the potential series will indeed be a bit “brutal,” however, right now, they’re locking down the tone.  “Basically I’m trying to do what I do in my movies which is to show it as a reality, but as a reality that is stylized. It’s not like “CSI” or “The Wire,” it’s real but it feels a little stylized. But the way the camera work will be is very realistic. We want to keep the camera very documentary even if the look of the show is not. The look of the show is very designed. The style of the camera and the storytelling will be very loose. It will evolve from that feel of reality, and little by little we want to evolve into more stylish, horror feel that requires smoother camera moves, more suspense and atmosphere-driven moments so it will be a mixture. I don’t think that mixture has been seen a lot on TV.”

The set-up for the series goes like this: When a Boeing 777 lands at JFK International Airport and goes dark on the runway, the Centers for Disease Control, fearing a terrorist attack, calls in Dr. Ephraim Goodweather and his team of expert biological-threat first responders. Only an elderly pawnbroker from Spanish Harlem suspects a darker purpose behind the event – an ancient threat intent on covering mankind in darkness.

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