The horror-thriller follows a group of teenagers dealing with the sudden return of a friend who went missing a decade ago. When the friend falls ill they take her to a hospital, but end up trapped in a horrific labyrinth. The film was inspired by Fuji-Q High Land’s famous Labyrinth of Horrors haunted house ride, and the film was shot at night in the amusement park.
Yagira Yuya (Nobody Knows), Maeda Ai (The Sword of Alexander), Renbutsu Misako (Ikechan to Boku) and Katsuji Ryo (The Shonen Merikensack) race against time to escape the maze alive in this eye-popping horror thriller from director Takashi Shimizu (The Grudge series).
Ten years ago Yuki disappeared at the amusement park haunted house. One rainy night she suddenly returns, and faints in front of her shocked friends. Her friends rush her to the hospital, but what awaits them is an endless labyrinth of unspeakable horrors.
Bonus materials include:
- Interviews with Filmmakers
- Behind-the-Scenes of Shock Labyrinth Featurette
- Trailers