How fast do his zombies move?
Fans of Max Brooks’ novel, World War Z, are mighty curious about how the film adaptation is going to extract a story out of tome that is about sundry accounts of an undead apocalypse.
Director Marc Forster spoke with MTV and said, “The idea, obviously the book is not written as a narrative, you try to take things from the book, but at same time you’re changing certain things. I do feel we’re trying to keep it in the spirit of the book because it’s important. We are doing our own film, telling our own story because we had to. But trying to still include as much as we can from the book.”
And where do his zombies fit into the fast/slow debate? “In Max Brook’s book they move in the George Romero fashion. I feel like we have a little bit different approach. But it doesn’t exclude that they might not eventually be fashioned how George Romero’s zombies move, it’s just a little bit different approach. I think that will probably be the biggest discussions that there will be.”
Sounds like World War Z is going to fans of the zombie genre talking…
Source: MTV