Bits ‘n Bloody Pieces: Texas Chainsaw Scene, Rec 3, Hellions, Bane

Monster Squad, Broadway Buffy and Legion of Monsters

Bits ‘n Bloody Pieces is a quick look at stuff we might have missed, viral-related promotions or light newsy bites that are easy to digest.

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• A big deal is being made out of a casting call that’s making the rounds on the web for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D. Extras are being sought for a “pool party” sequence. Moving on…

• An image from Rec 3: Genesis shows off one of the possessed…

• Here’s a UK trailer for the film Bane, no relation to the Batman villain, of course. It’s another entry in the “I’m trapped, who’s trapped me, oh shit…help!” sub-genre that’s so popular with indie filmmakers. Three women find themselves captured in a bizarre experiment.

• Tim Sullivan is executive producing Hellions, a Halloween night-set tale about a teenage girl defending herself from little creatures. Pascal Trottier penned the script for director Gavin Heffernan.

• Artist Brent Engstrom’s interpretation of The Monster Squad.

• Marvel comics has released details for “Legion of Monsters,” hitting shops this October.

A monster adventure to scream over! Elsa Bloodstone hates monsters – and when the trail of a mysterious serial killer leads to their underground city, Elsa’s ready to kick some horrific butt. Morbius the Living Vampire, Werewolf by Night, the Living Mummy and the slithery Manphibian have news for her, though; the monsters are innocent, and the real killer is out there…a creature so terrifying and vicious that even monsters are scared to death! Elsa Bloodstone and the Legion of Monsters are on the case!

• Joss Whedon told audiences at Comic-Con Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Broadway would seem like a good fit: “I can’t say that I will, or that by the time I try to, anyone would want me to, but yeah, I think she belongs there. In the theater across from ‘Dr. Horrible,’”

Source: Shock Till You Drop


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