EXCL: A Chat with Wrong Turn 3’s Tamer Hassan

Talks working on the latest sequel!

Earlier this month, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment released Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead, the second sequel to the popular Wrong Turn franchise, this time helmed by director Declan O’Brien and starring Janet Montgomery, who most recently made her screen debut in The Hills Run Red.

The launching point for the story of this entry is the escape of several vicious killers from police custody during a transport, who then attempt to make their way through the West Virginia woods to freedom. Little do they realize that Three-Finger, the last remaining member of the inbred mutant clan is still out there and ready for the hunt!

Shock Till You Drop got the chance to chat with Tamer Hassan, the British actor that portrays escaped convict Chavez and talk about his working experience on Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead.

Robg.: How’d you get involved with Wrong Turn 3: Left For Dead? Had you seen or been familiar with the previous 2 films before signing on?

Tamer Hassan: Yes I was familiar with both movies, I had seen them both.

Robg.: Can you talk a bit about the first day of shooting? Because it was the only day you guys had in the prison, and according to the DVD features, a lot of challenges presented themselves that first day.

Tamer: It was all a bit of trial and error as it always is on the first day of any shoot, cast and crew getting to know each other and the usual teething problems but we survived and it was a great shoot! A little scary at times, but we got through it!

Robg.: Speaking of that prison – how was the overall shooting experience in Bulgaria? Over the last few years, a lot of films have started to get made over there, so how’d it differ from your previous film experiences?

Tamer: I have most recently shot Magic Boys in Hungary and I also shot 7 Seconds in Romania, I love working in Eastern Europe it is a stunning place with the most beautiful architecture and scenery.

Robg.: You got to do a lot of physical stuff in this movie, in terms of fighting with Three Finger (Borislav Iliev) as well as some of the other inmates and of course, the movie’s got so many great FX gags (kills). Can you talk a bit about the physical aspect of making this movie? Any gags that stand out for you as the most fun or ones you count among your favorites?

Tamer: My most favourite gag in the movie was when Christian Concherie lost his legs and we all called him legless, which of course in English means you can’t stand up.

Robg.: What was your rapport like with director Declan O’Brien? He’d done several SciFi movies before this, so what was the working experience like with him as compared to other director’s you’ve worked with?

Tamer: First and foremost I have been very lucky to have not worked with a bad director, but for me having worked on several horror films before, when it comes to the horror/sci fi genre Declan O’Brien is the best, we built up a personal relationship and I am sure I will get in the room with him again one day!

Robg.: Your co-star Janet Montgomery is new to the biz but she shot this and The Hills Run Red back to back. Did you offer her any advice or help on this film?

Tamer: Not really as you can see from her fine performance she did not need any advice from anyone. But I looked after her she was like my little sister!

Robg.: Now that you’re in a horror genre sequel, what are among some of your personal favorites? Films that either you appreciate, enjoy or that you recall being among the first to scare you as a kid?

Tamer: When it comes to horror films, I don’t really watch them, but my favourite is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I remember as a kid, horror films that terrified me were the Damian franchise, Zoltan Hound of Dracula and Twins of Evil.

Source: Robg.

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