SDCC: Palicki Packing Hope for Mankind in Legion

Actress on the angels vs. humans thriller

Among the sequels and remakes touted at this year’s Comic-Con, there were a few original films vying for attention. Legion was one of them. It’s Screen Gems’ big apocalyptic siege picture about God’s distaste for humanity so he sends an army of angels down to earth to wipe us out. But a few folks hole up in a diner with the archangel Michael (played by Paul Bettany) who has also come down to protect someone: Adrianne Palicki.

The Supernatural and Friday Night Lights vet plays Charlie, a young woman harboring a child that could spell hope for the human race. She’s joined by co-stars Dennis Quaid, Tyrese Gibson, Doug Jones, Charles S. Dutton and Lucas Black. Palicki ventured down to Comic-Con to chat with the press about Legion and shed her heavenly light on what the film is about since Screen Gems has been so good at keeping the film a secret. You’re kind’ve a big deal in this film.

Adrianne Palicki: She’s an important character. She’s a woman who’s eight months pregnant with the future of mankind.

Shock: A Jesus baby?

Palicki: [laughs] Without saying it, messiah-ish?

Shock: So who knocked you up?

Palicki: Um, God? Who didn’t I have sex with in this movie? [laughs] The character is kind of loose so you don’t know who the father is in the movie. She’s very shocked that she happens to be pregnant with this baby. Why her? She doesn’t even own a car. She’s the person Paul Bettany’s [Michael] is trying to protect. And then all of these people end up having to protect her, so she’s a big focal point of the movie.

Shock: The director’s background is predominantly FX. Did you notice anything different in him than the other directors you’ve worked with? Did he focus on anything in particular?

Palicki: Well, he didn’t speak. He just drew out what he wanted and pointed to it. [laughs] He was amazing as a director and collaborative. It’s hard to find actor’s directors. People who can really communicate. Also, if we had issues, he was great at discussing and finding happy mediums. Especially in a movie like this, you have to have trust. Giving birth. Angels are coming after you. It’s nice to have someone to trust. He was really able to give and take.

I don’t find it to be a horror movie. I never did. I thought of it as Terminator meets Constantine. It’s an action comic book [set in a diner during one night]. It’s set during Christmas Eve. Part of it is when Michael comes into the picture and the rest of it is in the diner.

Shock: Do all of the characters know each other?

Palicki: No, we’re all misfits and we all have issues.

Shock: What do the angels look like? Are all cut and shirtless like Paul on the poster?

Palicki: The angels you see appear as angels look like him. But, the others…come through humans. That’s different. I can’t say too much about it. It’s Sony’s little baby and now I see why. After seeing the trailer today, I’m like, ‘I did that.’ That’s cool.

Shock: How was it working with the ensemble cast? You’ve got Charles Dutton in there…

Palicki: He was so awesome. Every day I would sit there and talk to him and he’d have a different story. He was in prison. That’s where he became an actor and he formed this drama group in prison. He was the most docile, sweet human being. Such a blast. Paul Bettany’s a complete asshole. So there’s that. [laughs] Tyrese…ugh. He’s so bad to look at. Everyone was so good to work with. Mainly my stuff is with Lucas Black and Paul Bettany.

Shock: Where does the horror element of the film come in?

Palicki: There are some shocking, gory moments, but they’re not gratuitous. There is such a fine line between a horror and a thriller.

Shock: Is there any concern about religious backlash?

Palicki: Well, the thing is, it has its religious undertones, but it’s not about religion. It’s a fun backdrop for the movie. It’s a little nerve-racking. I’m ultimately playing the Virgin Mary, not at all a virgin. But it’s supposed to be fun. Old Testament-ish. It doesn’t portray God in a really bad light. I’m not overly concerned.

Shock: Did you have any war stories from the set?

Palicki: It was a fun shoot other than the sandstorms and having to give birth….

Shock: Down in New Mexico?

Palicki: Santa Fe. Which, by the way, closes at 9:30pm. So we’re done shooting and I’m starving. No room service, nothing’s open. Can’t get a drink!

Shock: In the film, if you’re basically carrying Jesus Part 2 – would you say this opens the door to a sequel?

Palicki: Yes, I’m signed up for three. Obviously it depends on how well the first film does. This one ends with a, “Where is Legion 2?” but in a satisfying way.

Shock: While preggers, does your character goes through a Ripley-esque arc? Do you get to fire off some guns?

Palicki: I do. I’ve got a baby to protect, okay? [laughs]

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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