EXCL: Wirkola’s Not Holding Back in Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Dead Snow 2 plot details discussed

Sundance 2009 proved to be a fortunate one for Tommy Wirkola. Following a screening of his frosty ‘n bloody Norwegian zombie horror film Dead Snow, the filmmaker landed American representation. A few months later, Paramount and Gary Sanchez Productions (operated by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay) offered Wirkola a home for Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, his first U.S. project.

“It’s an action-adventure horror movie that finds Hansel and Gretel fifteen years [after their first witch incident] and they’ve grown up to become merciless witch hunters,” Wirkola explains to ShockTillYouDrop.com. “Blood and gore and action, all the stuff that I love. I’m working on the first draft now so it’s a little ways off, but it’s going to be a lot of fun. It’s definitely an R-rated movie, the first draft has a lot of blood and guts. First and foremost, it’s an action movie, I think, with horror elements. And of course some dark humor as well. But the action and horror are the most import feelings I want.”

He also tells us he’s kicking around an idea for Dead Snow 2: “We’ve been talking about a Dead Snow sequel. We have a plot involving the Nazis not going back to the mountain but deciding to start invading the north of Norway. We’ve been playing with that idea.” The first film proved to be a hit in Norway, making enough of a profit to warrant a follow-up. “The more we talk about it, the more we want to do it, so maybe next winter we’ll shoot something.”

Dead Snow opens in limited release today.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor


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