EXCL: Lynch Talks Hisss Transformations

Surveillance helmer is now in post-production

When Hisss eventually slithers onto the big screen, you’re bound to see some eye candy that, from the sounds of it, will cater to those FX hounds who have been clamoring for practical FX transformations.

“It’s going to be pretty outrageous,” confirms writer-director Jennifer Lynch (Boxing Helena) who spoke to ShockTillYouDrop.com while out promoting her return to feature filmmaking Surveillance. “I think there are so many other components to the story as far as action, drama and some comedy goes. But Bob [Kurtzman, FX] worked his ass off on this in terms of sculptures and costumes – we will have, hopefully, two incredible transformation scenes. One from cobra to woman and the other from woman to cobra, and then there’s a half-woman/half-cobra moment.” Although most of these visual feats were created in-camera, Lynch says there will be some CG included to fine-tune the edges. “Since it’s a creature that most of us are unaware of, I can really make anything happen. I said to Bob, ‘I want part of this transformation to look penile and I want the inside of the snake’s mouth to look like a vagina.’ I got it. Bob was like, ‘Check out the inside of that mouth!’ It was awesome!”

Lynch is currently in a lengthy post-production phase on her creature feature. The film came to her initially as a project called Nagin; the producers were keen to make a film based on the legend of a woman who has the ability to take on the form of a snake. “I asked to read the script but they didn’t have one and needed me to write it. I scouted for two weeks – I had never been to India and after returning from that trip is when I started to write. This is definitely a special beast, no pun intended. India is such a wealth of scary, haunting stories and I just want to go back and tell more.”

Mallika Sherawat plays the snake woman who ventures out of the jungles and into the modern world to retrieve her mate who has been captured. And like Surveillance, Lynch exposes a twisted layer of a love story. “I’m definitely drawn to these things, love at the core of things, as bad as love can go. I keep coming home to that.” Through post-production, however, she’s finding the film is taking a few unexpected turns. “It’s got the same heart, there are so many things that have changed, as they say, on the day. It’s there, but the footage is saying certain things I never expected it to say and I’m responding in the edit to that. It’s going to be quite a ride.”

Watch a trailer here!

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor


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