Exclusive Laid to Rest Journal Entry #6

And now a word from the writer-director

In anticipation of Rob Hall’s Laid to Rest, ShockTillYouDrop.com will be unveiling three exclusive photos each week leading up to the film’s April 21st DVD and Blu-Ray release. These images will be accompanied by a “journal entry” from one of the key players involved in the production. For our final installment, writer-director Rob Hall drops in with a few words on the day of his film’s release.

Past journal entries:

Nick Principe (HERE)

Anthony Fitzgerald (HERE)

Eric Porn (HERE)

Thomas Dekker (HERE)

Bobbi Sue Luther (HERE)

– Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor


It’s April 21st 2009, and my sophomore directorial venture has brushed its teeth, picked up its packed lunch, been kissed on the cheek and dropped off on the curb for its first day of school.

Its been a wild ride but I keep thinking how blessed not only I am but all of us producers who mothered and fathered this behemoth. Its a hard time to get a film made, let alone released. It seems everyone in this town has a movie they wanna get made. EVERYONE. I once got a script from a cashier at RALPHS, because he saw me wearing a crew hat and thought I could help him get his ninja opus made. And he actually had a hard copy UNDER the counter! Maybe he was waiting on Michael Bay to come in late at night for munchies? A studious young man who helped me purchase a Toyota once at a dealership, waited until after I bought the car then walked with me for blocks pitching me an idea he had about a genetic disease gone wrong on chickens…I wish I was making this up.

And the funny thing is….I am Nobody. I am a kid with a dream who has some pretty cool friends. You really have to admire the tenacity it takes to stick to your dreams and chase someone down the block. I’m always amazed as I see my hard working peers who have made great films, starting from scratch trying to get the next one made. In a limbo like ether, struggling for someone to listen to them about why they need to tell the next story. They work so hard, and face so much rejection, you wonder why they do it all.

But right now I know why we do it…this great feeling I have right now…knowing our little child has dropped; this is what I have to remember when I’m starting from Scratch. This is the feeling that I need to hold onto when I’m chasing someone down the block.

And never count out that kid who works at Ralph’s…or Toyota. Hell, Tarantino worked at a video store. And if you would have told me I’d be RIGHT HERE back in 1992 when I was De-Boning chickens at the Tyson Chicken Plant in Blountsville, AL…I would have said you were clucking nutz.

Source: ShockTillYouDrop.com


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