Just How Gory Will Harper’s Island Get?

Kills shot like a feature film

This afternoon, CBS unveiled the first episode of Harper’s Island to the press. The 13 episode series, which features an ensemble cast, focuses on a killer who is cutting his (or her) way through a wedding party on an island off the coast of Seattle.

Post-screening, executive producer Karim Zreik explained, given the nature of the show, the murders could get pretty grisly. But this is television we’re talking about, so how wet can it get? “What we did for all of the deaths, we shot the way a feature film would shoot it,” Zreik said. “We didn’t hold back, so we have all of that footage we’re hoping to put on the DVD as a bonus extra. When it came to TV we had to trim it down.”

He recalls one night when he was on set, for the first episode to be more specific, where he was “just watching blood pour out of this poor man. [We thought], ‘This will never make it.’ It looked like spaghetti coming out of him!” Zreik laughed. “We stayed in that beautiful wide shot. It’s sort of what you can show and how you can cut around it, we were able to cut around a lot stuff. A lot of the deaths actually stayed in the way we wanted them to. But the stuff that didn’t, we’re hoping – with CBS’ help – put it on the DVD.”

Harper’s Island airs on Thursday, April 9th.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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