Coverage Wrap-Up & Review: Quarantine

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Screen Gems’ Quarantine – a remake of the Spanish horror movie Rec by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza – opens across the country today. The Dowdle Bros. film hopes to get some Halloween season audience lead time before Jigsaw returns in Saw V on October 24th. Will it drum up box office green?

Perhaps. Today, I posted my full review for the film. And while the experience of seeing Rec nearly a year ago around this time spoiled the Quarantine experience for me, I think newcomers to the material will be satisfied with its attack on the nerves.

You can read my lukewarm review here. For more, we’ve also got a set visit and cast video interviews for you to check out. Clips, trailers and photos can be found in our database.

Once you’ve seen the film, report back here and toss your own review up in our comments section below!

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor


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