Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER is a reality documentary television program based in the United States. Renowned Veterinarian Dr. Susan Kelleher is the main focus of the series. The show is filmed in Deerfield Beach, FL, where Dr. Kelleher operates her own animal hospital. With a skilled and knowledgeable team, they provide exceptional care for a variety of exotic animals.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER Season 2 via streaming services such as Disney Plus and Hulu.
Is Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER Season 2 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER Season 2 is available to watch via streaming on Disney Plus and Hulu.
In the second season, we are treated to a spectacle of events. First, we witness a stressed-out Eurasian lynx brought in due to excessive grooming and lack of appetite. Dr. Thielen encounters two urgent cases: a ball python viciously attacked by a feeder rat and a distressed cockatiel struggling to lay an egg. Additionally, the doctor comes across a hedgehog attacked by a dog and brings it to the clinic with a broken leg. Lastly, a 9-year-old chinchilla suffering from diarrhea becomes a critical, life-or-death situation.
Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER cast members include Josh Goodman, Susan Kelleher, Lauren Thielen, Art Edmonds, Santiago Díaz, Kristin Runkle, and Dyanne Velasquez.
Watch Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER Season 2 streaming via Disney Plus
Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER Season 2 is available to watch on Disney Plus. Disney Plus is the ultimate streaming service that offers viewers an incredible array of Disney movies and TV shows from a multitude of beloved brands within the Disney family.
You can watch via Disney Plus by following these steps:
- Visit DisneyPlus.com
- Select ‘Sign Up Now’
- Enter your email and password
- Select a subscription plan
- $7.99 per month (Basic)
- $13.99 per month or $139.99 per year (Premium)
- Enter your payment information
The Disney Plus Basic plan allows users to stream the service’s content with ads, while the Premium plan lets users stream with no ads and download content to supported devices. There are also a variety of bundle packages, scaling from Bundle Duo Basic, which pairs Disney Plus with Hulu for $9.99 per month, to the Disney Bundle Trio Premium for $19.99 per month, which bundles Disney Plus, Hulu, and ESPN Plus.
Watch Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER Season 2 streaming via Hulu
Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER Season 2 is available to watch on Hulu. Hulu is a subscription streaming service owned by the Walt Disney Company. It offers a premium platform filled with a wide range of live and on-demand entertainment options.
You can watch via Hulu by following these steps:
- Go to Hulu.com/welcome
- Select ‘Start Your Free Trial’
- Choose a plan:
- $7.99 per month or $79.99 per year (With Ads)
- $17.99 per month (No Ads)
Hulu (With Ads) is the cheapest option, providing users access to Hulu’s streaming library with commercials. Hulu (No Ads) is the service’s premium option, providing access to its library without any advertisements. There are also several bundles available with Hulu that pair the service with Disney Plus and ESPN Plus, along with Live TV plans that also include many live TV channels.
Dr K’s Exotic Animal ER synopsis is as follows:
“Dr. Susan Kelleher owns and operates one of the busiest exotic animal care practices in South Florida, Broward Avian and Exotics Animal Hospital. Everything but dogs and cats. If it will fit through the door, I’ll treat it!” is Dr. K’s motto. And through the door come rabbits, reptiles, birds of all shapes and sizes, foxes, ferrets, fish, marsupials, and even primates.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.