The release date for My Hero Academia Chapter 418 has been revealed. The manga and its anime are set in a world full of superpowered individuals, where humans are a minority. They follow the journey of a young kid named Izuku Midoriya, who was born powerless but takes over the strongest ability, the One for All. Now that the world is threatened by powerful boss villains including All for One and Tomura Shigaraki, Midoriya makes his final stand against them.
So, here’s My Hero Academia Chapter 418’s release date and time, along with where to read information for the whole manga.
When is the My Hero Academia Chapter 418 release date & time?
My Hero Academia Chapter 418’s release date is expected to be on March 31, 2024.
My Hero Academia Chapter 418’s release time in the US based on past release patterns is:
- 8 AM PT
- 10 AM CT
- 11 AM ET
Meanwhile, it should arrive in Japan on Monday, April 1 at 12 AM JST.
Where to read My Hero Academia Chapter 418 and the whole manga?
Fans can read My Hero Academia Chapter 418 digitally on Viz Media’s official website, Shueisha’s MangaPlus website, and the Shonen Jump Plus app.
People can also read the previous two chapters, 416 and 417, for free on Shonen Jump. Meanwhile, all the previous chapters will be available for a subscription price of $2.99/month, which will start to be debited after a 7-day free trial. Besides MHA, subscribers will also get access to 15000+ manga chapters from titles including Naruto, One Piece, One-Punch Man, and many more.
In Chapter 417, titled “Shimura”, Deku witnesses the past of Shigaraki featuring all his pain and hardships. He comes to know about the abuse that Shigaraki endured at the hands of his father.
The chapter also sees all of Deku’s One For All powers and vestiges get transferred to Shigaraki. But the seventh user of OFA, Nana Shimura, stood by Deku’s side. She plays a crucial role in the chapter. She expresses her guilt for neglecting her kid Tenko, who grew up to become Shigaraki.
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