Shimmer and Shine Season 3 is an animated series aired in 2017 on Nickelodeon. It is the story of two genies named Shimmer and Shine. They are still in training which often leads to funny mishaps when granting wishes. They meet a human girl named Leah for whom they grant wishes. Season 3 has 37 episodes.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Shimmer and Shine Season 3 via streaming services such as Paramount Plus.
Is Shimmer and Shine Season 3 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Shimmer and Shine Season 3 is available to watch via streaming on Paramount Plus.
Shimmer and Shine Season 3 follows the magical adventures of Leah, Shimmer and Shine. Adventures include such as finding Leah’s necklace and undoing a wish Zac made. They also meet a genie who can change hairstyles and Filter Genie. They face Zeta and her evil plans.
Shimmer and Shine Season 3′ cast has Alina Foley as the voice of Leah, Isabella Crovetti as the voice of Shine, and Eva Bella as the voice of Shimmer.
Watch Shimmer and Shine Season 3 streaming via Paramount Plus
Shimmer and Shine Season 3 is available to watch on Paramount Plus. Paramount Plus is a streaming service by Viacom CBS. It offers viewers to stream a wide range of movies and tv series, including original content and shows from CBS, BET, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other Viacom CBS-owned networks.
You can watch via the show Paramount Plus by following these steps:
- Go to
- Select ‘Try It Free’
- Choose your plan:
- $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (Essential)
- $11.99 per month or $199.99 per year (with SHOWTIME)
- Enter your personal information and create your account
The Paramount Plus Essential plan includes tens of thousands of episodes and movies, the NFL on CBS, the UEFA Champions League, 24/7 news coverage with CBS News, and limited ads.
Furthermore, the Paramount Plus with SHOWTIME plan includes all of the above, removes the ads except in limited circumstances, and also includes SHOWTIME originals, movies, and sports along with CBS live TV and college football. Nonetheless, you’re able to download shows to your mobile device.
The synopsis of Shimmer and Shine is as follows:
“Twin genies, Shimmer and Shine, grant their human friend Leah three wishes every day – unintentional chaos follows.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.