Directed by Dermot Boyd, and created by Sally Lindsay and Sue Vincent, The Madame Blanc Mysteries is a cozy crime (sub-genre of crime-friction) comedy-drama television series. The show’s first season premiered on October 16, 2021, and its unique storyline resonated with viewers. The third season of The Madame Blanc Mysteries premiered on January 4, 2024. The series follows the adventures of Jean White, an antique dealer from Cheshire, who becomes entangled in solving various mysteries and deaths in the fictional village of Sainte Victoire in the South of France. If you are wondering whether there will be a The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4, then we’ve got you covered.
Here’s all the The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4 date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4 release date?
The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of the current moment, there is no official announcement regarding the status of The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4. The series has neither been confirmed for renewal nor canceled at the time of writing. Fans of the show are eagerly anticipating news about the next season, but the creators have maintained secrecy about the future chapters of the series. This leaves fans in suspense, eagerly awaiting official updates about the future of the show.
The Madame Blanc Mysteries has garnered positive reviews globally, earning a commendable 7.1/10 rating on IMDb. The series holds an impressive 64% Average Audience Rating on Rotten Tomatoes. If The Madame Blanc Mysteries gets the green light for the fourth season in upcoming weeks, fans might be able to catch The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4 on screens by mid-2025 or late 2025, considering filming and the writing has not yet begun.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have so far. ComingSoon will provide an update to this story once we receive official details.
The cast of The Madame Blanc Mysteries includes Sally Lindsay as Jean White, Steve Edge as Dom Hayes, Sue Holderness as Judith Lloyd James, Robin Askwith as Jeremy Lloyd James, Alex Gaumond as Inspecteur André Caron, Sue Vincent as Gloria Beauchamp, Aonghus Weber as Niall Connor, Margeaux Lampley as Celine Connor, Olivia Caffrey as Barbara Kingsley, and others.
Where is The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4 coming out?
The Madame Blanc Mysteries Season 4 is likely to come out on Channel 5 and Acorn TV, the same as the previous ones.
The official synopsis for The Madame Blanc Mysteries reads:
“Jean White is an antiques dealer who runs a successful business with her husband, Rory. But when he suddenly dies and leaves her nearly penniless, Jean relocates to their one remaining asset – a cottage in French antiques hub Saint Victoire – and begins investigating Rory’s mysterious death.”